Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Change users full name to account name?

Hi all, Due to some issues with how a new printer server is configured, we would need to populate the "Full name" ID of our users on Macs with their account name instead. Due to user account control they are not able to do this themselves, so I'm won...  View more

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Hide pre-existing management account

Hello, is there a way to hide a pre-existing management account that I created when enabling the macOS user-initiated enrollment? I've tried to rename the account name with _ in front of it (_accountname) as Apple hides automatically an account with ...  View more

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Classroom not showing classes (Solved)

Just thought I'd throw this out there since it was driving me nuts. Had a bunch of Teacher machines not showing any classes in Apple Classroom. Finally realized that it was because we migrated from an older local server to a new cloud hosted server a...  View more

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Another Sophos Install Issue

Was working for the longest time but now I get the following from the logs. I did delete the portion of the Downlading https:// to hide the server info and the antitamper password but everything else is the same. I can provide more info as needed. De...  View more

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ipadOS restore/backup data post enrolment?

We have some users who had unmanaged devices previously, with backups in icloud. Replacement devices have been supplied, configured through pre-stage enrolment, but the end users want their backed up data and apps restored. Is this possible?  View more

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Jamf Pro 10.26 Beta 2 Now Available!

Hey Jamf Nation! We've got a great release in store for you with Jamf Pro 10.26.0. Beta 2 is now live, full of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements! Shared iPad has a number of new improvements around Shared iPad User Space, User Status Check, a...  View more

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Using Google LDAP with iPads

Is anyone here using Google LDAP as a cloud identity provider in Jamf and using Google LDAP groups to scope Apps and profiles to iPads in Jamf? If so what are your experiences?  View more

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Hey, Need some help with a script I'm making to automate bulk removal of computers using the API. It all seems to work fine, it loops through a file grabbing a serial off each line, all the variables do what they should. But, the URL always flags as ...  View more

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Once per enrollment trigger

Through our experiences with device enrolment, come cases where devices are erased and re enrolled, but their listing left in the system, it causes issues with triggers. example, a script if set up to run once per computer, as an enrolment trigger, w...  View more

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Cannot update device app on supervised Apple TV

I'm on Jamf Pro 10.24.1. I have pushed out the app called "TrilbyTV Player" (bundle id: uk.co.trilby.TrilbyTVPlayer) to my supervised Apple TVs running 14.0.2. I am pushing out the app to managed devices. The latest version of the app is 4.3.3. Howev...  View more

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Extension Attributes for Okta Device Trust

LAST UPDATED: 2020-OCT-16 If you are an Okta customer and you also manage Jamf Pro, then I'm certain that you've heard of, been looking at, or have been using Okta Device Trust. OVERVIEW: OKTA DEVICE TRUSTIf you are not familiar with Okta Device Trus...  View more

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Scripting involving failures using grep

I am using dscl to pull membership information from an AD group. I break the response down to a series of lines containing computer names or user names; this is the result of passing the dscl output through a pipeline. I have verified that the pipeli...  View more

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Jamf Pro "One Button" question

Hi, I have set up the following process as designated below: https://www.jamf.com/blog/reinstall-a-clean-macos-with-one-button/ After some minor syntax tweaks it works fine. However, the guide states that it "silently downloads" the Catalina installe...  View more

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Can't seem to deploy App Store Apps or Packages

Hi, I'm just getting acquainted with Jamf Pro and I've been able to enroll my computers, issue scripts to them, remotely wipe them, among other things. However, I cannot seem to deliver an App Store App or Package no matter what I try. For the App St...  View more

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Jamf Managed app configuration

I am having a hard time getting different apps to accept my custom managed app config dictionary for iOS apps. Will you guys show me what yours looks like that work on your network? I am specifically trying to get our Global Protect through Palo alto...  View more

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Office 16.42 and "New Outlook" prompt

Hello all. How are folks dealing with users on Office for Mac 16.42 that were prompted to enable the "New Outlook" and did so? Is there a way to force them back to "Old Outlook" using a PLIST? I can deploy the 'EnableNewOutlook' key but this will loc...  View more

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How to Virtual Visits

Hello I tried the search but unfortunately I couldn't find anything on the topic.I would like to test virtual visits. What do I have to do? Is there a How does it work somewhere?  View more

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Jamf Intune integration

I need to get my macs enrolled in intune to avoid some nasty end-user experience with MFA. I've followed the guidance here: https://docs.jamf.com/technical-papers/jamf-pro/microsoft-intune/10.17.0/Introduction.html and have integrated successfully. I...  View more

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