Policies Fail when Client has a Reported IP 192.x.x.x

New Contributor II

Since upgrading to 9.32 any policy attempted from a device with a Reported IP that doesn't match IP Address fails with the following:

An error occurred while running the policy "Install latest flash player plugin (" on the computer "sampleComputer".

Actions from policy log: Executing Policy Install latest flash player plugin ( Mounting casper.xxx.xxx.xxx to /Volumes/CasperShare... Error: Could not mount distribution point "casper.xxx.xxx.xxx".

The complete policy log is available in the JSS at:

Computer Info: ID: 32
IP Address:

General Info from Device:

Computer Name:SampleComputer
Last Inventory Update:5 minutes ago
Last Check-in:3 minutes ago
IP Address:
Reported IP Address:
jamf binary Version:9.32

Internal IP addresses all policy passes...

Policies succeeded when we were on 8.73...is this a new port that needs to be open on 9.32?

Anyone have a thoughts on this?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Do you have Network Segments & multiple distribution points setup?

It sounds like you might be coming up against: http://macmule.com/2014/05/14/jss-using-wrong-distribution-points-after-v8-v9-upgrade/