Posted on
02:56 AM
- last edited
4 weeks ago
Starting from last 2 week, we started facing issue with self-serivce. When user try to install app from Self-Service, it throws below error;
Any idea what could the cause?
Posted on 06-04-2015 04:33 AM
Is there any more information in the policy log on the JSS?
Posted on 06-04-2015 06:32 AM
Thanks Davidacland
it just says
Copying bjnplugin_2.100.53.8...
Installing bjnplugin_2.100.53.8...
Installation failed. The installer reported:
I tried manually executing the pkg and I get this message, when I click continue, no further response;
Posted on 06-04-2015 06:38 AM
Does the system log show any more detailed information?
Posted on 06-04-2015 07:06 AM
No! :(
Posted on 06-04-2015 07:46 AM
Not sure if it'll make a difference but try to run the installer through the command line using the following:
installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "/path/to/installer.pkg" -target / -allowUntrusted
Note: If the path to the pkg has spaces, remove the double quotes.
Hopefully you'll get some get some feedback through the command line. Then check in under /var/log/install.log and it doesn't hurt to see system.log either.
Posted on 06-04-2015 07:54 AM
You know what I went ahead and tested the installer myself and I'm having the same problem. Kind of strange because I downloaded a plug-in last week and it worked fine.
The version I had that worked last week was bjnplugin_2.100.38.8.pkg.
However the version I just downloaded today was bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg
So I went ahead and re-tried the old plug-in and was getting the same error.
I expanded the pkg to see what preinstall script it was running. The command was pkgutil --expand /path/to/pkg /path/to/folder/that/does/not/exist
# Installation script that bypasses normal installation procedures and instead
# delivers the payload (the plugin) directly to the user directory
# Blue Jeans Network, 2012 - Luke Ma
# ===========================================================================
# Remove old plugin
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*
if [ ! -d ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins ]; then
mkdir ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
# Install new plugin
mv -f bjnplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
mv -f bjninstallplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
# FF workaround - explicitly change date modified/permissions to ensure that
# FF will pick up new version of plugin right away
touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*
xattr -r -d ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting
open ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting
open -a Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher
# Kill Installer as we no longer need it
kill $PPID
# Done
Make of it what you will.
Posted on 06-04-2015 07:57 AM
Wow. Nice and 'deployment friendly' there with all those ~'s all over the place. </sarcasm>
Posted on 06-04-2015 08:37 AM
Thanks bpavlov, useful information. Yes i already tried these comment line; badluck for me, its not getting updated, leaving one line message in the log.
On system.log
Jun 4 21:02:42 sudo[5752]: gsskrajh : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/gsskrajh ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg /Users/gsskrajh/Downloads/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg -target / -allowUntrusted
On Var/Log/install.log
Jun 4 19:38:28 Installer[4156]: Product archive /Users/gsskrajh/Downloads/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg trustLevel=202
Posted on 06-04-2015 09:48 AM
@mm2270 I'm amazed the script runs at all!
The script isn't doing anything particularly useful, I would just re-package it, either without the script or with your own modified one.
Here's my take on the key bits:
# Remove old plugin
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*
This is just deleting anything in the users home Library/Internet Plugins folder that starts with bjnplugin_ or bjninstallplugin_. Not really needed as the installer would replace the files, unless the names don't match (I can see the ones being deleted have a trailing _).
if [ ! -d ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins ]; then
mkdir ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
This makes a folder if not already present. Not needed as a pkg would do this anyway.
# Install new plugin
mv -f bjnplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
mv -f bjninstallplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
This copies the plugin into place. It would make more sense to have the pkg put the files into the right place from the start, I can only assume they are doing this because its going into the users home directory. There is a top level /Library/Internet Plugins so not sure why it needs to be in the user home. If for some reason it does, a .dmg installer using FUT & FEU would work.
# FF workaround - explicitly change date modified/permissions to ensure that
# FF will pick up new version of plugin right away
touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
Firefox workaround I assume? I'm sure a browser restart would be enough. The date modified and permissions should be correct on the pkg payload rather than having to "fix" them afterwards.
xattr -r -d ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting
Shouldn't normally be needed, unless its been downloaded as a plain pkg form the web.
open ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting
open -a Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher
Opens the new app. Could have that as part of the policy if it is needed at all.
kill $PPID
Not sure why this is here. Installers would normally quit at the end of the installation process.