Policy Failed to run

New Contributor III

Starting from last 2 week, we started facing issue with self-serivce. When user try to install app from Self-Service, it throws below error;

Any idea what could the cause?


Honored Contributor II

Is there any more information in the policy log on the JSS?

New Contributor III

Thanks Davidacland
it just says Copying bjnplugin_2.100.53.8...
Installing bjnplugin_2.100.53.8...
Installation failed. The installer reported:

I tried manually executing the pkg and I get this message, when I click continue, no further response;

Valued Contributor

Does the system log show any more detailed information?

New Contributor III

No! :(

Honored Contributor

Not sure if it'll make a difference but try to run the installer through the command line using the following:

installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "/path/to/installer.pkg" -target / -allowUntrusted

Note: If the path to the pkg has spaces, remove the double quotes.

Hopefully you'll get some get some feedback through the command line. Then check in Console.app under /var/log/install.log and it doesn't hurt to see system.log either.

Honored Contributor

You know what I went ahead and tested the installer myself and I'm having the same problem. Kind of strange because I downloaded a plug-in last week and it worked fine.
The version I had that worked last week was bjnplugin_2.100.38.8.pkg.
However the version I just downloaded today was bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg

So I went ahead and re-tried the old plug-in and was getting the same error.

I expanded the pkg to see what preinstall script it was running. The command was pkgutil --expand /path/to/pkg /path/to/folder/that/does/not/exist

# Installation script that bypasses normal installation procedures and instead
# delivers the payload (the plugin) directly to the user directory
# Blue Jeans Network, 2012 - Luke Ma
# ===========================================================================

# Remove old plugin
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*

if [ ! -d  ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins ]; then 
    mkdir ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins

# Install new plugin
mv -f bjnplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
mv -f bjninstallplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins

# FF workaround - explicitly change date modified/permissions to ensure that
# FF will pick up new version of plugin right away
touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*

touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*

xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher.app

open ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher.app

open -a Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher

# Kill Installer as we no longer need it
kill $PPID

# Done

Make of it what you will.

Legendary Contributor III

Wow. Nice and 'deployment friendly' there with all those ~'s all over the place. </sarcasm>

New Contributor III

Thanks bpavlov, useful information. Yes i already tried these comment line; badluck for me, its not getting updated, leaving one line message in the log.

On system.log
Jun 4 21:02:42 gssa00.xxx.xxxxxxxxx.com sudo[5752]: gsskrajh : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/gsskrajh ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg /Users/gsskrajh/Downloads/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg -target / -allowUntrusted

On Var/Log/install.log
Jun 4 19:38:28 gssa00.xxx.xxxxxxxxx.com Installer[4156]: Product archive /Users/gsskrajh/Downloads/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.pkg trustLevel=202

Honored Contributor II

@mm2270 I'm amazed the script runs at all!

The script isn't doing anything particularly useful, I would just re-package it, either without the script or with your own modified one.

Here's my take on the key bits:

# Remove old plugin
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
rm -rf ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjninstallplugin_*

This is just deleting anything in the users home Library/Internet Plugins folder that starts with bjnplugin_ or bjninstallplugin_. Not really needed as the installer would replace the files, unless the names don't match (I can see the ones being deleted have a trailing _).

if [ ! -d  ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins ]; then 
    mkdir ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins

This makes a folder if not already present. Not needed as a pkg would do this anyway.

# Install new plugin
mv -f bjnplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
mv -f bjninstallplugin* ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins

This copies the plugin into place. It would make more sense to have the pkg put the files into the right place from the start, I can only assume they are doing this because its going into the users home directory. There is a top level /Library/Internet Plugins so not sure why it needs to be in the user home. If for some reason it does, a .dmg installer using FUT & FEU would work.

# FF workaround - explicitly change date modified/permissions to ensure that
# FF will pick up new version of plugin right away
touch ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*
chmod 755 ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_*

Firefox workaround I assume? I'm sure a browser restart would be enough. The date modified and permissions should be correct on the pkg payload rather than having to "fix" them afterwards.

xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher.app

Shouldn't normally be needed, unless its been downloaded as a plain pkg form the web.

open ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/bjnplugin_2.100.53.8.plugin/Contents/Resources/Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher.app
open -a Blue Jeans Meeting Launcher

Opens the new app. Could have that as part of the policy if it is needed at all.

kill $PPID

Not sure why this is here. Installers would normally quit at the end of the installation process.