Policy set to run once per computer rerunning

Valued Contributor

Hello Everyone,

I have a call into JAMF about this but wanted to check with the community to get additional feedback.

We have a few policies that are our big deployment policies. These policies cache our installers to our local clients then they call up another policy using a custom trigger to install these cached policies. The policy for caching completes and immediate calls up the custom trigger to install all cached installers just fine. The crazy thing is, after other policies have run, the caching policy re-runs even though it has already run once.

We have it set to run once per computer. I don't understand why this would re-run. It is messing up drives because of all of these cached installers. I have a policy to remove all waiting room/cached installers but we are still deploying to computers so I hate to enable this policy until we are done.

Have any of you seen this before or could offer some ideas what to look for? I can offer some screenshots if needed. Just curious if anyone has any suggestions.

By the way, we are on the latest version of the JSS, 10.1.1-xxx.

Thank you as always!


New Contributor III

I would double check the Logs on these policies to see if they're staying at "Pending" or "Completed." If it's staying at Pending, it's possible that inventory updates aren't being run. If that's the case, make sure "Update Inventory" under "Maintenance" is enabled. Screenshots would definitely help!

Valued Contributor

Thank you @RLim945 for the feedback. The policies all say completed. f5639b23ff9042868fea748f2778d3da

The policy in question 04 Graphic Design Deployments...policy. It runs once in the beginning. We have it run the command under files and processes, sudo jamf policy -trigger InstallCached. This triggers the 05 policy to install cached packaged on new systems. Both run and both complete successfully without any errors. Later in the sequence as you can see, 04 runs again. This shouldn't be happening.

Finally, this other screen shot shows 04 is set to run once per computer. fe581333b5d14be69ed8fc31daea2794

If completed, it shouldn't be running again, I wouldn't think.

Again, I want to thank you for the feedback.

New Contributor III

If you click on “Show” next to 04, does it tell you which trigger is allowing the policy to run again? Since the policy is set to once per computer, it shouldn’t matter how many triggers you have selected, but it may give us more information that could point us in the right direction.

Valued Contributor

Hello @RLim945 I think we found the problem and I think the solution may be working.

The issue was, in some of our policies, we had reset computer name running which Jamf believes was causing the computer to add itself back into the smart group again and therefore, possibly adding the policy back to be re run.

So far, things are working well.
