Posted on
06:57 AM
- last edited
a week ago
Hi Everyone,
I am working on a policy to remove SentinelOne security software by simply using rm -rf to rip out the files, because the deactivation process from the product's console is time consuming and unreliable. I have a very basic sh script to remove the files line by line:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Sentinel
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-helper.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.sentinelone.agent.plist
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.sentinelone.SentinelAgent.plist
However, for every file (except for the one in the ~/library) , the result is "Permission denied". The files & directory in question are owned by root, would it make sense to try and chown them to the local management account that JAMF uses on the enrolled macs?
Posted on 02-17-2017 07:07 AM
That is not defining which User's Library your trying to purge.
Add something like:
# Find logged in user
loggedInUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
sudo rm -rf /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/com.sentinelone.SentinelAgent.plist
Posted on 02-17-2017 07:17 AM
What happens if you switch to root and then try to delete one of them:
$ sudo -s
$ [Enter Password]
$ rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist
I don't know anything about SentinalOne, but I'm wondering if when the plists and other files are deployed from the vendor package if its making the files system immutable. This would kind of make sense since its a security product and would want some way of protecting itself from malware trying to remove it. Setting the system immutable flag is done by running the following command on a file:
sudo chflags schg /path/to/file
When this is done, even doing a sudo rm
against the file will fail. The immutable flag must be removed before it can be deleted. This is done like:
sudo chflags noschg /path/to/file
Usually when this flag is set, the error isn't "permission denied" but "Operation not permitted", so I don't know if this is the issue, but worth giving it a try to see.
Outside of this, perhaps someone who uses the product will chime in with the correct answer for you.
Posted on 02-17-2017 10:41 AM
I altered the script to this:
# Find logged in user
loggedInUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
#Remove plist from user library
sudo rm -rf /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/com.sentinelone.SentinelAgent.plist
#remove immutable flags from files in /Library
sudo chflags -R noschg /Library/Sentinel
sudo chflags noschg /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist
sudo chflags noschg /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-helper.plist
sudo chflags noschg /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld.plist
sudo chflags noschg /Library/LaunchAgents/com.sentinelone.agent.plist
#remove files
sudo rm -rf /Library/Sentinel
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-helper.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.sentinelone.agent.plist
Still the same "Permission denied" on every file.
Posted on 02-17-2017 11:01 AM
Hmm... can you post the actual error message?
Posted on 02-17-2017 11:16 AM
Here's the error log from the JSS
Executing Policy Remove SentinelOne
Running script Force remove SentinelOne...
Script exit code: 1
Script result: rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/assets/arbiter.db: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/assets/arbiter.db.sig: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/assets/signatures.db: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/assets/signatures.db.sig: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/assets: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/certificates: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/com.sentinelone.sentineld.defaults.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config/Config.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config/CrashReporter.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config/Detection.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config/General.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config/Server.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/config: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/000005.ldb: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/000048.log: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/CURRENT: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/LOCK: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/LOG: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/LOG.old: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine/MANIFEST-000047: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/quarantine: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/000097.log: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/CURRENT: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/LOCK: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/LOG: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/LOG.old: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings/MANIFEST-000096: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/settings: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/111525.ldb: Permission denied
<huge list of files snipped out of here for brevity>
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/CURRENT: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/LOCK: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/LOG: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/LOG.old: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state/MANIFEST-191850: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/state: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient/000003.log: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient/CURRENT: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient/LOCK: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient/LOG: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient/MANIFEST-000002: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db/transient: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/db: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/Library/Preferences/ Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/Library/Preferences: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/Library: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/quarantine: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/scratch/com.sentinelone.crashreporter.tcMUtu: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel/scratch: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/_sentinel: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/compatibility_version.txt: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/library_version.txt: Permission denied
rm: /Library/Sentinel/sentinel-agent.bundle/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeDirectory: Permission denied
<more files snipped out>
rm: /Library/Sentinel: Permission denied
rm: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-helper.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld.plist: Permission denied
rm: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.sentinelone.agent.plist: Permission denied
Error running script: return code was 1.
Running Recon...
Retrieving inventory preferences from MY.JSS.COM
Locating accounts...
Locating package receipts...
Searching path: /Applications
Locating software updates...
Locating printers...
Posted on 02-17-2017 11:28 AM
Without knowing the product, it looks like it's running still and can't remove anything because of that. Can you check activity monitor and see if it has a daemon or something still loaded or running? Might be able to do an unload and then continue running the script if so.
Posted on 02-17-2017 11:32 AM
Security applications like this can in fact protect themselves from being removed, I've seen this with other products that are designed to be (relatively) tamper-proof. I assume there's a kernel extension installed as well?
Posted on 02-17-2017 12:44 PM
Have you tried unloading the daemons/agents with launchctl before deleting them?
In Terminal run sudo launchctl list
to get a listing of, and verify the daemons/agents that are running.
In your script you should be able to use something like:launchctl unload -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sentinelone.sentineld-guard.plist
for each of the different daemons/agents running, then delete the files.
Posted on 02-17-2017 12:52 PM
Hmm. While it's possible unloading the launchd job first will let you delete it, I can't say I've ever seen a case when you were not able to delete a launchd plist file unless its associated job was unloaded first. Maybe it's something new I haven't run into before though?
That being said, unloading first, then deleting it is best practice.
Posted on 02-17-2017 01:36 PM
Maybe the immutable bit is set.
Posted on 02-20-2017 04:50 AM
I've seen this same thing with McAfee Endpoint Security. With McAfee there is a file buried somewhere (I can't remember the location right now) that defined all the protected files and directories relating to McAFee. If the path was listed in this file, you would not be able to delete it even as root. It makes sense for security software to protect itself from improper deletion, but it becomes a royal pain in the butt when the McAfee uninstaller fails to properly remove the software.
I would suspect that SentinelOne has a similar file telling the OS to not let anyone (even root) modify those files.
Posted on 02-20-2017 05:16 AM
You may want to try putting the Mac into Target Disk Mode and trying to delete them from another computer. That can usually get around these issues.
The best option is always an uninstaller from the manufacturer, of course. My only other thought off the top of my head (pre-coffee) is to use Composer or another package utility to re-create the installer so you can uninstall as well.
Posted on 02-20-2017 01:00 PM
Check to see if the uchg flag is set. Similar to the schg you tried already. If uchg is set it would prevent you from modifying or deleting the file even as root.
Posted on 09-07-2017 10:06 PM
@michaelherrick did you have any luck with this?
Posted on 09-08-2017 10:20 AM
I second what @charles.hitch said. I've never had an occasion to use noschg on a Mac.
sudo chflags -R nouchg [whatever]
...has always done the trick for me.
Posted on 03-19-2018 07:57 AM
This might be a bit late in this thread but just in case someone is looking, try this
I have had 90% success with it, not sure what stops it on some machines as yet.