Profile EDU command fail to install

New Contributor II

I have a iPad Pro 12,9 - 2018 with iPadOS 14.0.1
The Profile EDU fails to update.
I'm looking for a solution.



New Contributor II

Hi @MFRA ,

I'm working on a customer with the same situation. I just completed setup of SFTP/ASM and enabled Jamf Pro Apple EDU Support, then tried to push the EDU profile out to devices but all came back with the same message as above. @vasko Any insight?

I also tried to remove all ASM synced classes and created a manually configured class and pushing that out to a test group, but this also failed.



New Contributor III


we just came across the same issue with users from LDAP and with classes created manually in Jamf Pro 10.28.0. The iPads in our case are all up-to-date and running 14.4.2


New Contributor

Hey all,

I am encountering the same failed EDU config push as described above. Like Mike, our classes are manually created in Jamf Pro, iPad Is 6th gen, and is running 14.4.2.

New Contributor

Hi there,

we have the same problem since 6 weeks, that install of EDU profile fails.
Update to latest Jamf Pro version doesn't help.
All Accounts come the same way from ASM via SFTP.

Interessting is, that I have several users where it works everytime and serveral where it fails every time.
That doesn't correspond to the used iPad for this user. It depends only on the user account.

iPad 1: with user A it works; with user B it doesn't work
iPad 2, 3, 4, 5: absolutely same behavior
It's reproducable with approximatly all my devices. Tested with iPadOs 14, 14.1, 14.2 and 14.4

Do you have any similar effects?

New Contributor

We found our problem in a wrong configured class.


any update?

New Contributor

I am having the same issue. For some iPads, the EDU profile pushes out fine and for others, it fails. We have tried hard restarts, inventory updates, profile renewal. Nothing works. I haven't tried to remove the Jamf profile or re-enroll the iPads. I would not like to go down that route if I don't have to. 


Has anyone figuired this out? 

New Contributor III

I was having this issue as of a few days ago with a particular iPad and found that removing the class from Jamf and then importing again allowed the profiles to install correctly. I only had a test group of 1 iPad, so YMMV

New Contributor II

Any update on this? We are seeing the same issue with failing installs of EDU-profiles on several customer instances at the moment. Jamf updates done, testing with different scopes and on several iOS versions. We also triple-checked the guide No re-enrollment tested. We have a ticket open at Jamf and they are investigating in this at the moment. 

New Contributor III

Our School is having the same issue EDU profile Fails across the board. MacBooks, iPads and iMacs. I had opened a case for a issue with apple classroom but that has gotten no where because of the EDU profile. They said "
From the information gathered. It shows that the EDU profile is failing because "The top-level user is both a leader and a member." This is coming from the sysdiagnose on the device. Like we have discussed this error only shows if the user is assigned to a device that is in both the student and the teacher section. Or the user themselves are in both the teacher and student section." But I have looked in the classes and the teacher is not assigned as a student and teacher ..... AAAAHHHHH

New Contributor II

We got this fixed. There was an Java version issue on our customer on-prem servers. 

The new JDK 11.0.12 caused this issue, rolling back to 11.0.11 solved the issue.

New Contributor III

I have the cloud server of JAMF PRO not on prem

New Contributor II

OK. I'm not sure what type of enrollment used but ... Then there is also a slight difference on how to manage classes on Shared iPads and so to say, "normally" enrolled iPads. You already read this maybe a thousand times already but ....

New Contributor III

Yes I have thanks though. My main issue is the EDU profile if I could get that fixed I Think everything would be good to go


@ssagola  if your Jamf is on-prem, check the installed java version, if it's above 11.0.9, try uninstall the java and install version 11.0.9 or below.

New Contributor III

I do not have the on prem of JAMF. I have the cloud based server

New Contributor

Did anybody find a fix for this? I have been working with JAMF Support and haven't figured it out yet. We have around 700 iPads (both teacher and student) and we were having this problem on around 130. Over our winter break, I blew away our Apple School Manager configuration completely. I then removed all ASM classes and ASM users from JAMF. I rebuilt ASM and resynced it with JAMF. A number of the iPads that would not load the EDU config finally worked, but not all. We now have about 60 iPads that will not load the EDU profile. A few of the iPads that did finally load the EDU profile, failed a couple of times. Then I checked again the next day, and the profiles had magically loaded. 


Some iPads keep the EDU profile stuck in pending commands forever, while others fail. 

New Contributor II

Hey @wtbates it really depends on iPadOS and Apple Classroom versions. If you are on the latest releases of both, you could actually use the Classroom app without EDU profile - IF - you have setup Apple School Manager with all the student and teacher data using SFTP or SIS sync.

I've found that if both teachers and students are signed in to the devices with their Managed Apple IDs then the Classroom app (on the Teacher's device) will automatically pick up student devices that they have signed into.

New Contributor II

From that point on, you could actually delete all Classes in Jamf and remove the EDU profile from all devices.

New Contributor

Although keeping everyone up-to-date is a huge challenge (iOS auto-updates are not reliable), almost all students and faculty are pretty current. Teachers and students having the EDU profile trouble, we have made sure are at the current OS level and teachers have the latest version of the Classroom app. 

Using the Apple Managed ID is a non-starter for us. Thanks, for the advice, however. If we get desperate it is certainly something to consider. For teachers who REALLY want to use Classroom on their laptops, that is the only way we have been able to get it to work. 

I am really hoping that we'll get it to work as advertised. We were using Meraki MDM previously and JAMF is a huge step up from that, but we never had a problem with the EDU profile under Meraki. 

New Contributor III

Thanks as well for the advice but I would also like to get Classroom to work the original way with the EDU. But I have not been able to get that to work with SHARED IPADS unless I delete the EDU and all the classes . and I have issues doing it this way as well


New Contributor

I just had a very similar problem with a new ipad. In the end, the problem in my case was quite simple: Because of the device name the ipad was assigned to a smart device group and this device group was set as a students group in a class. Therefore the ipad was treated as a student-ipad and could not load the teacher-edu-profile.


Of course this was just a coincidence and probably not the solution for the problems above. but as the outcome is the same, maybe someone reading this thread is having the same problem.


I had a similar issue where one of my schools was having the issued of EDU Profiles not installing on teacher iPads. The cause was a Static Group of teachers was selected under the Classes > Student Groups. As soon as I removed them from the student section the EDU profile installed on the teacher iPads that were having the problem with failed EDU Profiles.

New Contributor III
Thanks 😊

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