Push Wireless network Certificate and set EAP and x.509 Basic Policy to Always Trust

New Contributor III

I'm trying to push Certificate and set EAP and x.509 Basic Policy to Always Trust. I tried installing the cert and then modifying the settings, exporting the cert, then add it to a config profile but when deploying it, the settings never stick.

I also tried to push it via policy with PostInstall script: 

security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" "/private/tmp/certs/certname.cer" srm "/private/tmp/certs/certname.cer"

Also tried : security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustAsRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" "/private/tmp/certs/certname.cer" srm "/private/tmp/certs/certname.cer"

All with no luck. Has anyone tried this or maybe have the knowledge to help?




Esteemed Contributor

You need to push the certificate with a Configuration Profile and set it to be available to all applications. Apple retired the ability to force trust a certificate in CLI with macOS 11. Basically -k does nothing anymore.

Valued Contributor II

The method @AJPinto describes is the way we do ours. Our WiFi and Global Protect both use certificate based authentication. We distribute the certificates in a separate profile, specifically, the "auth" certificates. In the WiFi profile, we select this auth certificate in the Trust section.

New Contributor

Hi @AJPinto In my environment I have deployed the certificate with Configuration Profile and set it to be available to all applications.Only the root certificate is deployed as Always Trust. The intermediate & leaf certificate is deployed as Use System Defaults so users are being prompted to Trust the certificate when they join the WIFI network. Am I missing something or how can I make sure the users are not prompted? Thanks 

Esteemed Contributor

If the user is manually selecting the network, I would wager they are having to tell macOS which certificate the need network needs and not necessarily trusting the certificate. The only method I can think of for totally hands off is to have the Wi-Fi network configured with a Configuration Profile where you specify the Certificate the network needs.

Thanks for your reply. I can give this a try and deploy the WIFI settings and Certificates in one config profile