Posted on 09-08-2016 11:18 AM
Hello Everyone. So we are beginning our annual bevy of testing here at the school I work at. My supervisor would like me to create a local account (which I have done) and have that accounts dock contain only 2 item. Both test apps. This would be particularly advantageous for our 2nd & 3rd graders who tend to become distracted. Anyway I have created a pkg using Dockmaster which incorporates these 2 apps only. My question is can I push this pkg/policy to a single local account on the computers they use without affecting the other local accounts? We don't use AD just so you know and the machines are running 10.10.5. We're currently on 9.92.
Posted on 09-09-2016 06:47 AM
Yes it is possible: script triggered at login that validates name of user account and triggers policy if true. I have different docks for regular and admin users, and this is how I do it.