Posted on 09-15-2020 06:24 AM
Using Configuration Profiles option in JAMF i had setup HTTP/HTTPS Proxies.Distribution method was "Install Automatically".
In Scope had added the target machine to which these Proxies should be applied
In Proxies option enabled "Enable Web Proxy (HTTP)" and " provided Hostname or IP address and port number for web proxy.
In Proxies option enabled "Enable Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS)" and provided
Hostname or IP address and port number for secure web proxy.
After this saved the Proxies.Checked and verified in logs and found that the Proxies was pushed automatically.
As per JAMF logs Proxies values were pushed successfully and automatically to target machine.In target machine went to Network--->Advanced--->Proxies to check if the values were pushed or not.Values were not being reflected there.
Can some please provide some thoughts and inputs on this.The Proxies section under Network--->Advanced should show the updated values which have been pushed.Nothing was shown there and the even after successful operation.Internet became unavailable on target machine after this.
From Terminal tried checking all networksetup using "networksetup -listallnetworkservices" command.Entries which have been pushed through JAMF is not shown.Please help me out on this front as i am not able to proceed further.Thanks in advance.
Posted on 09-29-2020 02:24 AM
I have configured a proxy configuration profile this morning in the exact same way and I am getting the same results.
Posted on 01-13-2021 03:53 AM
@aprakash did you ever get any more info on this? i have the same issue a year later
Posted on 04-09-2021 01:30 AM
I was experiencing this issues and have since discovered that the proxy settings are being applied. Rather than being applied in System Preferences > Network they are being applied by a in 'localdrive/Library/Managed Preferences/'.
Hope that helps
Posted on 02-21-2023 11:04 PM
Hi All,
I got the solution of this issue, please reach-out to me on, I will help you to fix this issue.
Posted on 06-22-2023 04:55 AM
Can you not share the fix here?