raw mysql query source for saved search

Contributor III

So I'm looking to access the data directly in the jamfsoftware db to sidestep some of the clunkiness in the web GUI. A lot of you will probably ask why.

I need to generate a report that basically includes the following specs:

- search for a given app title and version
- display the distribution per department and also by computer

We need to know generally what's where. The basic Application custom queries get us most of the way there but are lacking in presentation. It seems JAMF uses mostly jsp templates to accomplish this, and maybe this is the way to go here.

While digging in the db, I wanted to find the raw query issued by an existing saved search for Excel as an example, and the basic format looks like the pasted output below, minus the thousands of search criteria. Now, I'm no db admin, but it seems like there's got to be a more elegant way to search for and present this type of data. Likewise, why is there no common column on which to join apps to computers?

If any of you have tips on jsp custom report templating that may help here, please let me know.
