Posted on 12-01-2014 09:03 PM
I've gotten most of the way through the year badgering and annoying students and staff requesting them to enrol themselves via the user initiated enrolment, but it has gotten to the point where there are just people who aren't going to do it themselves, so I am going to have to do it for them.
I am in a 1:1 environment, so each user has their own devices, I like having this filled in the User and Location information, is there a way to recon a machine in with the network scanner and have it fill in User and Location info? Or am I going to have to look at other information to work out who each machine belongs to one at a time?
Posted on 12-01-2014 09:22 PM
After enrollment, you can run the following script to perform a recon with username information of the currently logged in user.
jamf recon -endUsername $( ls -la /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4 )
This can be put into a script that is run, or you can place it into the run section of Casper Remote.
You could also use the following script in a policy with a login trigger and that user and location information will be continuously updated.
jamf recon -endUsername $3
Posted on 12-01-2014 09:50 PM
+1 on what @msblake said. I use the script
jamf recon -endUsername $3
But I only scope it to 1:1 machines. So if there are any shared or lab type machines you have to exclude them otherwise they update their location information which you may not want