Removing Devices From A Static Group


So I created a static group for the purpose of sending out targeted messages when needed. The idea being, if I have a need to send a message to a bunch of iPhones or iPads, I could put them in this group and send the message out. That's just background on why I created the group.

After I was done with the group task, I pulled up the group membership to remove all the devices from the group, and I don't see any way to do that. I can "view" the group but there's no way to select all or a portion of them and remove them from the group. In other words, there's no check box next to the member devices or an "select all" option.

I see how I can search for a member and then remove that member from the group but seriously that can't be the way it works right? I have to delete them individually by searching? Seems like it would make a lot more sense to be able to select the "view" option, see the list of members, and just uncheck the ones you want from the results a la cart so to speak.

What am I missing?


Esteemed Contributor

Static groups are manually add, manually remove. There is no way to sort or filter, or any from of mass action within the JAMF GUI. However, it is possible to use API to add/remove devices in mass. If you want to do this in the JAMF GUI, an idea request may be in order.

Jamf Nation Feature Requests

Esteemed Contributor II

@Lessardrp While it would be nice to be able to make bulks edits in the Jamf Pro Static Group GUI that capability doesn't currently exist. Take a look at the Mass Update Tool (aka MUT) for a tool that serves that need currently.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Check out this one:  'Create Static Group' action on search results.


It's in the 'review' state, but has been since 2013, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

Esteemed Contributor II

Thanks for the link to that FR @jcarr , I can't believe I didn't upvote it long ago.


I was using a static group to do various test in Jamf Pro today and this was very frustrating. When selecting to view the members of the group, there should be a check box next to each device that would easily allow a person to deselect the device from the group and save the updates.