Posted on 07-04-2024 03:20 AM
I need to rename the computers using the Full Name that is set in User and Location.
I have a script that renames using the login user but the name I need is the Full Name in Jamf.
Any idea how to retrieve the Full Name ?
thanks for your help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 07-04-2024 04:37 AM
If you really want to do it you could use the API to retrieve that info. :-)
Not the cleanest script but anyway:
# Bearer token for API user
# server and credential information
# request auth token
authToken=$( /usr/bin/curl \
--request POST \
--silent \
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v1/auth/token" \
--user "$username:$password" )
# parse auth token
token=$( /usr/bin/plutil \
-extract token raw - <<< "$authToken" )
tokenExpiration=$( /usr/bin/plutil \
-extract expires raw - <<< "$authToken" )
localTokenExpirationEpoch=$( TZ=GMT /bin/date -j \
-f "%Y-%m-%dT%T" "$tokenExpiration" \
+"%s" 2> /dev/null )
echo "Got bearer token successfully."
# Script for name chamging.
# Get serial number.
serial=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}')
# Get user info from Jamf via API.
response=$(curl -k $jamfProURL/JSSResource/computers/serialnumber/$serial/subset/location --header "Authorization: Bearer $token")
# Get the Real Name.
real_name=$(echo $response | /usr/bin/awk -F'<real_name>|</real_name>' '{print $2}');
echo Real name is $real_name.
# Shorten real name for hostname.
host_name=$(echo $real_name | awk '{gsub(" ","-"); print}')
# Run commands to change name.
scutil --set ComputerName "Mac van $real_name"
scutil --set HostName "$host_name"
scutil --set LocalHostName "Lab9-Pro-$host_name"
echo "Name is successfully changed."
# Expire bearer token for API user
/usr/bin/curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
--request POST \
--silent \
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v1/auth/invalidate-token"
echo "Invalidated bearer token successfully."
07-04-2024 03:36 AM - edited 07-04-2024 03:40 AM
Thats not recommended... as that is broadcast information, same as not using a serial number.
Check this video for some inspiration
Posted on 07-04-2024 04:37 AM
If you really want to do it you could use the API to retrieve that info. :-)
Not the cleanest script but anyway:
# Bearer token for API user
# server and credential information
# request auth token
authToken=$( /usr/bin/curl \
--request POST \
--silent \
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v1/auth/token" \
--user "$username:$password" )
# parse auth token
token=$( /usr/bin/plutil \
-extract token raw - <<< "$authToken" )
tokenExpiration=$( /usr/bin/plutil \
-extract expires raw - <<< "$authToken" )
localTokenExpirationEpoch=$( TZ=GMT /bin/date -j \
-f "%Y-%m-%dT%T" "$tokenExpiration" \
+"%s" 2> /dev/null )
echo "Got bearer token successfully."
# Script for name chamging.
# Get serial number.
serial=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}')
# Get user info from Jamf via API.
response=$(curl -k $jamfProURL/JSSResource/computers/serialnumber/$serial/subset/location --header "Authorization: Bearer $token")
# Get the Real Name.
real_name=$(echo $response | /usr/bin/awk -F'<real_name>|</real_name>' '{print $2}');
echo Real name is $real_name.
# Shorten real name for hostname.
host_name=$(echo $real_name | awk '{gsub(" ","-"); print}')
# Run commands to change name.
scutil --set ComputerName "Mac van $real_name"
scutil --set HostName "$host_name"
scutil --set LocalHostName "Lab9-Pro-$host_name"
echo "Name is successfully changed."
# Expire bearer token for API user
/usr/bin/curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
--request POST \
--silent \
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v1/auth/invalidate-token"
echo "Invalidated bearer token successfully."
Posted on 07-05-2024 02:28 AM
thank you very much, it works perfectly
Posted on 07-04-2024 05:30 AM
You may be interested in my JNUC 2021 presentation:
How to collect user information and apply it throughout Jamf Pro
Posted on 07-04-2024 05:26 PM
I will second @jamf-42 , you don't want to go broadcasting PII (Personally Identifiable Information). A hostname is visible to anyone on the same network as the device, and can be seen in many other ways OTA.