Rename Device During Prestage

New Contributor III

Hello All,
I am trying to build a workflow that my techs can utilize. What they do now is, boot up device which goes to mdm profile setup, after that they log in to mdm profile, rename pc and bind it to AD.
What i would like to do is:
1) Have some kind of a script that can prompt for a PC name during MDM profile setup (this way the name registers and reflects in JAMF right away)
If thats not possible, a script that will kick in after profile is installed and tech logs in to pc, it will prompt a user for a computer rename and then it will bind mac with new name to AD.
Thank you guys for you help and suggestions.


Valued Contributor III

I recommend moving to a naming convention that just uses the serial number, to fully automate it (kinda the point of DEP). We dropped our "site code" and "asset number" that had to be hand-entered and could be fat-fingered.

It was just part of our process of moving forward and abandoning legacy requirements that are not truly necessary.

But yes, you could easily use DEPNotify and DEPNotify scripts that will wait until after login and prompt for info, then bind to AD. I reworked our entire imaging flow from QuickAdd/Self Service to DEP in one morning, using bits from (namely, the part to detect Apple Setup being done and the Finder open, indicating it's OK to start popping up DEPNotify).

Contributor III

Give this a try, I'm using it in my environment and its working flawlessly.
simply create a CSV with serial numbers and add a name assigned to it, this is read by the script and it will rename the computer.
I run it as part of our DEPNOTIFY workflow so when computers are run up they get it automatically.