Rename Self Service users

New Contributor III


I am about to send out VPP invitations to users. During some testing I have noticed that the user name that shows up in Self Service is not the user logged in. This means a user might get an invitation that they shouldn't.

How can I rename this?

Best wishes



Valued Contributor

Since you brought this up earlier today, I've looked and found similar problem with ours. I've reached out to our TAM to see if this is a known or new defect. Also if they have a possible work around.

Valued Contributor

Looks like a known defect. D-009412

Waiting on feedback and to test to see if we can clear this in some way. I'll post when results happen.

New Contributor III

This is quite important. It really messes up VPP invites. Sorry to drag you into a problem you didn't know you had! :)

Valued Contributor

No, no issue. It is completely killing our logs and policies, who is running them. The real user or the one it thinks is running it. smh.

New Contributor III

Do we have any idea when this will be fixed. I have 21 installs to do.

Valued Contributor

Last communications was to run this command. Clears the last user logged into Self Service. Doesn't help me since my techs use SS to run utilities and special commands.

I've requested most details and hoping it makes the list of defects to be fixed sooner, rather than later.

sudo defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.plist lastLoggedInUser ""