a week ago
since last week we can not remove the Restriction Software settings from Mac Clients.
We run Jamf Pro Version 11.13, most Clients are on macOS 15.3.1
Removing Clients from the Scope does not remove the Restriction Setting from the Clients.
New Clients enrolled to the Site formerly in Scope of the Restriction get the Restriction Setting ...
Should I delete the Restriction Rule to remove it from the Clients?
Thanks in advance!
a week ago
Please run the command sudo jamf manage on the device to fix this, it might happen due to sync issues.
a week ago
You can check the Jamf logs on the Jamf Server to see if its actually an App restriction as that is where Jamf records the event.
as @Shyamsundar said, running a jamf manage forces the framework to update which will update any restrictions. If the app is still being blocked, go in to the scope of your restriction and make sure the device is still not within scope. You may also have multiple restrictions that are targeting one app.
a week ago
It looks like that the Client Restart solved the issue.
We did run Jamf Manage on those Clients before, but the Restriction was still active.
After a Restart of the Client, Things work fine again ...
Thx for the help :-)
a week ago
For us what we do if we need the restriction to clear sooner we run sudo jamf flushCaches from terminal. Works 100% of the time if the JAMF Binary is healthy.