Posted on
04:37 PM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Hi, as per the images below I have locked a homepage to Safari and settings when new tabs and windows are opened.
I would like to enforce the first setting "Safari Opens with:" but am Unable to find the preference in to set?
Posted on 06-07-2017 06:10 PM
I think by default it is this way, If you want to change the behaviour of someone who has changed this default setting you need to go the other way and change the other two options to false, and not the open new window setting to true
<key>AlwaysRestoreSessionAtLaunch</key> <false/>
this should have the effect of showing new window at open.
For future reference, use BBEDIT grab your safari.plist create a duplicate, make a change.
Open both files in BBEDIT in two windows and then select compare.
This should give you lines you need have just changed. Unless of course something else changed it in the background, but you should be able to determine whats going on.
Posted on 06-07-2017 06:25 PM
This worked. Thanks. Only other issue I am facing is Would there be a possible way to bypass the "Welcome to Safari" page that pops up when you first start the browser?
Posted on 06-07-2017 06:30 PM
Try this:
<key>LastSafariVersionWithWelcomePage-v2</key> <string>9.0</string>
but it is determined on the version you are running, not tested but it should be OK for the latest Safari version. Make sure you capture the change on any new Safari versions