Posted on 05-28-2019 03:44 AM
Hi folks,
I'm looking for a script to install DMG/PKG/ZIP via curl with the URL, App name etc as variables.
Does anyone have anything like this? Or a working script for one of the file formats above I can get started with?
Posted on 05-28-2019 03:54 AM
We use a script to install firefox, flash and chrome, here is an example:
# We may want to version lock Firefox ESR or can let it upgrade from vendor derived info.
if [ -z "$4" ]; then
#available_version="$(curl | grep "data-esr-versions=" | awk -F '"' '{print $10}')"
available_version="$(curl | grep "data-esr-versions=" | awk -F 'data-esr-versions="' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f1)"
DOWNLOAD_URL="${available_version}esr/mac/en-GB/Firefox ${available_version}esr.dmg"
installed_version="$(defaults read /Applications/ CFBundleShortVersionString)"
install_Firefox() {
# Create a temporary directory in which to mount the .dmg
tmp_mount=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/firefox.XXXX`
# Attach the install DMG directly from Mozilla's servers (ensuring HTTPS)
hdiutil attach "$( eval echo "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" )" -nobrowse -quiet -mountpoint "${tmp_mount}"
rm -dfR "/Applications/"
ditto "${tmp_mount}/" "/Applications/"
# Let things settle down
sleep 1
# Detach the dmg and remove the temporary mountpoint
hdiutil detach "${tmp_mount}" && /bin/rm -rf "${tmp_mount}"
if [ -e "/Applications/" ]; then
echo "******Latest version of Firefox ESR is installed on target Mac.******"
check_Running ()
# To find if the app is running, use:
ps -A | grep "" | grep -v "grep" > /tmp/RunningApps.txt
if grep -q "" /tmp/RunningApps.txt;
echo "******Application is currently running on target Mac. Installation of Firefox ESR cannot proceed.******"
exit 1;
echo "******Application is not running on target Mac. Proceeding...******"
exit 0
# If the version installed differs at all from the available version
# then we want to update
case "${installed_version}" in
echo "****** Firefox version checked OK (${available_version}) ******"
echo "****** Firefox version differs - installed: ${installed_version}, available: ${available_version} ******"
exit 0;
Posted on 05-28-2019 07:24 AM
Thanks mate, i'll have a look at this and post back what i come up with.
Posted on 05-28-2019 09:56 AM
This is used for DMG self contained .apps just plug in the URL from the Vendor and the app name. The convert to cdr was added for the apps that have an acknowledgement you have to click to bypass it
myApp=$(find /Volumes/ -name *.app)
AppName=$(find /Volumes/ -name *.app | cut -d / -f5)
echo "Downloading $DMG to tmp "
curl -Lo /tmp/$DMG.dmg $URL
hdiutil convert /tmp/$DMG.dmg -format UDTO -o /tmp/$DMG.cdr -quiet
hdiutil mount /tmp/$DMG.cdr -noverify -nobrowse -noautoopen
Echo " Copying $myApp to Applications"
rsync -av $myApp /Applications/
echo " Changing permissions on $AppName"
chown -R root:wheel /Applications/"$AppName"
chmod -R 755 /Applications/"$AppName"
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/$DMG*
rm -rf /tmp/$DMG.cdr
rm -rf /tmp/$DMG.dmg
Posted on 05-28-2019 03:01 PM
I would highly advise against these types of workflows. If an attacker were to specifically attack your Org, they could advertise Man In The Middle attacks at any end point your curl
scripts run. You will have no control over where your end points hit that URL either because you are distributing the command to every endpoint via script.
If you want to automatically package things I would highly recommend you look at AutoPKG and have a single device call the Internet and build a pkg. The problem with a curl
script on your client endpoints is that you are basically running a script as root
and downloading software as root
and then installing it as root
. It wouldn't be too hard for an attacker to offer a malicious package or malicious URL. Having one end point download it, in an automated fashion gives you that level of control.
I really advise that people do not use curl
scripts on client systems. Plus AutoPKG does a lot more checking than every curl
script I have ever seen and can integrate with tools like Virus Total.
Posted on 06-07-2021 12:50 PM
Can someone help me to verify this bash script? My goal is to install TeamViewerQS directly from the URL.
TeamViewerQS=$(find /Volumes/ -name .app)
TeamViewerQSe=$(find /Volumes/ -name .app | cut -d / -f5)
echo "Downloading $TeamViewerQS to tmp "
curl -Lo /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.dmg $
hdiutil convert /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.dmg -format UDTO -o /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.cdr -quiet
hdiutil mount /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.cdr -noverify -nobrowse -noautoopen
Echo " Copying $TeamViewerQS to Applications"
rsync -av $TeamViewerQS /Applications/
rsync -av /Volumes/$TeamViewerQS.dmg/*.app /Applications/
echo " Changing permissions on $TeamViewerQS"
chown -R root:wheel /Applications/"$TeamViewerQS"
chmod -R 755 /Applications/"$TeamViewerQS"
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/$TeamViewerQS*
rm -rf /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.cdr
rm -rf /tmp/$TeamViewerQS.dmg