Script window 10.28

New Contributor III

The Script window is now limited to 21 lines.
Why is this now limited???



Legendary Contributor III

I didn't know what you meant at first, but now I see it.

Pre 10.28 script editor with a very small font in the browser:


And 10.28, with the same size small font. Clearly the script editor bounding window doesn't scale, which is utterly ridiculous. Please fix this nonsense.


Esteemed Contributor II

I think Jamf should have to release the commit comments for egregious changes like this because you really want to know how someone thought it'd be a good idea.

New Contributor II

Hi, everybody!

Jamf Support confirmed this as a product issue - PI-009496. They are working on it.


@KarstenAckmann Where did you find "PI-009496" ?
I've used 'search' on Jamf but can't find this particular number.

New Contributor II

@Musicmaker The PI is part of a response within a jamf case. But you are right, the PI is not registered as "Known Issue" below "My Assets".

New Contributor III

I totally agree, I reported this and all I got is "deal with it"

Contributor III

This isn't right and should be fixed but to paraphrase the advice of our jamf instructor during a recent 400 training "friends don't let friends code in the jamf script editor!" I myself lost a lengthy script during an exercise because forgot I this simple truism and the connection timed out. So having the edit view be shorter has that benefit... the best of both worlds fix would be to have the view mode show as many lines as the window can accommodate, but in edit mode only 20 lines to discourage using the inline editor for anything but the simplest scripts.

Contributor III
This isn't right and should be fixed but to paraphrase the advice of our jamf instructor during a recent 400 training "friends don't let friends code in the jamf script editor!"

I don't code in it but do use it to quickly revise scripts. I'm currently working on one that is 310 lines to adjust a couple of settings within it and it's like trying to view the script looking through a letterbox.

This means that my workflow has to change to copypasta between Jamf & an editor to make small changes until the issue is fixed and I run another upgrade cycle.

Add this on top of that you can't use the browser search on the scripts page......

New Contributor III

Same problem with Extension Attributes, but that has been problematic for some time now. Clearly not a priority:

Contributor III

makes me wonder if the developers are on 13" screens running at a low 720p.... looks fine on there... or why would anyone admining Jamf on a phone need more than 21 lines in the script edit box???

New Contributor III

I am glad it is not just me. This is not good!

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi, just wanted to chime in to let you know that PI-009496 has been addressed in Jamf Pro 10.30. Here are the release notes if you'd like to take a look: We appreciate your reports and patience with this! Thank you!


It's great that this is solved in Jamf Pro 10.30. And finally we have search options when you're in the Script section.
Thanks form implementing.

New Contributor III

And it's broken again in 10.36.1, now to 14 lines 🤦🏻‍

New Contributor III

Ridiculous! I hate this edit window. You can't really work with it if you have a script that has any real amount of code to it.