See who has checked in in last 30 days

New Contributor III

Is there a way to generate a report of Macs that haven't checked in to the JSS in 30 days and also see the last active user that was logged in? I have probably 1/3 of my users that have laptops and never turn them on and it is disrupting my ability to push patches, updates, etc. Anyone have a good solution for this?


Legendary Contributor III

Simple Smart Group or Advanced search will do this for you.

Use criteria like:

Last Check-in | less than x days ago | "31"

Or, if you want the opposite, you can use

Last Check-in | more than x days ago | "29"

The first one would give you any machines that HAVE checked in with the JSS within the last 30 days
The latter would give you any machines that HAVE NOT checked in with the JSS within the last 30 days

New Contributor III

I've never used smart groups for anything before, this is quite useful, thanks for the help! This solves my issue.