Posted on 11-10-2016 08:35 AM
So, my organization uses JAMF to manage encryption on machines in a variety of departments, but then provides SLA services to a smaller subset of departments. We would like to turn on Self Service to our SLA customers, but it appears as though Self Service is very boolean - it's either on or off for all users.
I know this is not exactly how JAMF was ever intended to be used, but is there a way to prevent certain machines from receiving Self Service while enabling it for others?
Posted on 11-10-2016 09:22 AM
@duffcalifornia you could manually deploy the Self Service app to your SLA clients without turning it on for everyone. But I think you'll find having the Self Service app on all your managed computers would be beneficial.
Edit: By manually, I mean using Casper to deploy the Self Service app to your users. You can download the app from Settings -> Computer Management -> Self Service then package it up with Composer and deploy it to the Applications folder on your SLA users computer.
Posted on 11-10-2016 02:34 PM
Well, you can also use (i.e.) Active Directory to scope by users/groups.
@mpermann 's idea would work too but if you already have it on every Mac, it's easier to "undo" if you just put it in say /Applications/Utilities and scope use by AD login (which we do).
Then, it won't do anything if you set it up to restrict access to whoever...