Selective Install of Self Service App


So, my organization uses JAMF to manage encryption on machines in a variety of departments, but then provides SLA services to a smaller subset of departments. We would like to turn on Self Service to our SLA customers, but it appears as though Self Service is very boolean - it's either on or off for all users.

I know this is not exactly how JAMF was ever intended to be used, but is there a way to prevent certain machines from receiving Self Service while enabling it for others?


Valued Contributor II

@duffcalifornia you could manually deploy the Self Service app to your SLA clients without turning it on for everyone. But I think you'll find having the Self Service app on all your managed computers would be beneficial.

Edit: By manually, I mean using Casper to deploy the Self Service app to your users. You can download the app from Settings -> Computer Management -> Self Service then package it up with Composer and deploy it to the Applications folder on your SLA users computer.

Honored Contributor

Well, you can also use (i.e.) Active Directory to scope by users/groups.
@mpermann 's idea would work too but if you already have it on every Mac, it's easier to "undo" if you just put it in say /Applications/Utilities and scope use by AD login (which we do).
Then, it won't do anything if you set it up to restrict access to whoever...