Self Service and Free Apps on iOS without an Apple ID

Valued Contributor

I've been toying around in 9.81 on an iPad Mini on 9.0.1. One thing I've noticed is that while paid apps install without an Apple ID just fine, free apps like Self Service or VLC Player do not. They keep prompting every three minutes or so for you to sign into the App Store. This is fine 90% of the time, but since we have some general use iPads we have situations where we really don't want to have an Apple ID associated.

Does anyone know if there is a way to push Self Service or other free apps out without an Apple ID? Could you "buy" a bunch of licenses for the free app and push it through the VPP similar to how paid apps can now be pushed?


Contributor III

They know about it.

New Contributor III

I know this is an old Thread, but This seems to be happening again under 10.0.1? Does anybody else experience this with JSS 9.96 and a brand new shiny iOS 10.0.1?

We always had the (Free) Apps scoped to the devices and select users. It worked okay , until .... now (iOS X)

Thanks for any Info!


New Contributor III

I saw this on an app or two yesterday. Set up a fresh 10.0.1 iPad and once through the setup screens it started downloading the scoped apps (around 40) and it kept popping up the Apple ID dialog box.

I unscoped the app that was sitting in the pending list on the ipad from that device and then rescoped and the diaglog box went away.