Self Service "Phantom" Notifications

New Contributor

Hey guys... Just wanted to see if anybody has experienced this.

The Self Service app is always displaying three notifications (despite nothing actually there) - the only way I know if I legitimately have anything is if the counter exceeds 3.

Anybody witnessed this? Any idea on how to fix it?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Seeing the same thing on my campus


Seeing it on my Macs as well.

Contributor III

same. trying clearing the self service cache files and see if that helps.

New Contributor

I'm seeing the same behavior here. Clearing the cache files didn't resolve the issue for me.

Legendary Contributor III

Known Defect I believe, although its possible 9.62 resolved this? Can't recall if I saw a fix included for that in the Release Notes but perhaps.
Anyway, we see it here too. The badging is a great new feature, but its annoying our users when they see it and then there isn't anything new for them after all. Its like the boy who cried wolf, but with Self Service. If it isn't resolved yet, I hope it is soon, before it completely erodes any trust our users have in it. :p

Honored Contributor II

Same for our internal office Casper. I have a permanent badge on the app. I'm one of those "must clear all notifications" types so this has been pretty upsetting! Tried changing plist values etc but no luck, it always reverts.


I'm seeing this behavior as well. Some of our users have taken notice as well. We just upgraded to 9.63, and are still seeing this behavior. Can anyone else confirm this is still an issue for them?

Honored Contributor II

We used to have this. It affected self service on my Mac and was driving me nuts. Had to remove it from the dock in the end (probably says more about me than the software!).

We're on 9.63 now and its working fine. I had to intentionally go into self service and click on notifications but after that it was behaving as expected.

Honored Contributor II

Scrap that, the badge icon has just come back with no pending notifications on 9.63.

Legendary Contributor III

Ugh. So, this is still an issue even with 9.63? (we haven't done our upgrade yet) Man. I thought this was one of the defects addressed in that release, or was I dreaming that? Has anyone reported this to JAMF yet?
Such an annoying bug! Like the little [s]boy[/s] app who cried wolf.


Bummer...I emailed our rep this morning on the issue.


Got a response from our rep. It's currently marked as a defect, number D-007549.

Honored Contributor

I really hope they fix this. We're on JSS 9.8 and the problem still exists. I've had users refuse to click on Self Service because it's the "app who cried wolf". They've fallen for it many times before and even when I DO have new apps in there to install, they still won't click it. Most have deleted the icon from their Dock anyway to avoid the false badge.

Honored Contributor

Anyone have more info on defect D-007549 ? A description maybe?

New Contributor III

+1 I would love for this to be fixed

Contributor III

@JLNewsome2 Do you happen to have 3 Self Service policies that are expired, disabled, or have yet to start? I have suspected that to be the reason for my "phantom" notifications, but haven't been concerned enough to investigate further.

Honored Contributor

Many of the ones I see might display a badge saying something like "23", I launch Self Service and click on Notifications but there may be only 10 items listed. I click the x to dismiss all them from Notifications (or maybe even install a few from here) and then quit Self Service. Now the badge might say "6" or "2" or "15" or whatever. There's nothing about it that makes sense. The math never adds up. It's usually different from computer to computer. And I can never clear the badges completely. It's almost like the badges are triggered by a random number generator.

In our case, I'm not using scheduled policies so there aren't any that expire or haven't started yet. I do have a few I've disabled, but the number of disabled policies doesn't match the number displayed on the badges except maybe by accident.

New Contributor III

Over a year later and I am seeing this still. Was there an official answer to this question?

Matthew Warren
College of Liberal Arts
Auburn University

Honored Contributor

I'm really REALLY hoping they've figured this out for JAMF Pro v10. That would be a colossal embarrassment if this glaring bug persisted into the next major version.

Honored Contributor

One trick I've used to subdue it for a while is this:
1. in JSS click on the Settings gear
2. click on Computer Management - Management Framework > Self Service > Notifications
3. Uncheck the Display Notification box
4. Let all your Macs check in to the server
5. Check the box for Display Notifications

So far it does seem to clear everyone's phantom notifications, but after a while as you add policies, the notifications will return and some will get stuck. It's a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.

Valued Contributor II

suddenly glad I didn't even know self service notifications were a thing...

Valued Contributor II

I made a Self Service policy that staff can run when they have a stuck badge notification. It works fine, but I would prefer they fix the defect.