Set Zoom as default meetings for macs on new Outlook

New Contributor II

Hi all - has anyone found a way to make Zoom the default for all events on new Outlook?  Tried a few different policies with no success.  Can add manually as a Zoom meeting, but this is pain for all users.  Many thanks in advance!


New Contributor

Using Configuration Profile (Preferred)

  1. Create a Configuration Profile in Jamf Pro:

    • Navigate to Computers > Configuration Profiles

    • Click "+ New" to create a new profile

  2. Configure Microsoft 365 Settings:

    • For the payload type, select "Microsoft 365"

    • Add the following key/value pair:

      • Key: DefaultOnlineMeetingProvider

      • Value: Zoom (exactly as written, case-sensitive)

  3. Scope the Profile:

    • Assign the profile to the appropriate computers or groups

    • Set the distribution method (typically "Install Automatically")

or below script



# Path to Outlook preferences

# Set Zoom as default meeting provider
defaults write "$plist_path" DefaultOnlineMeetingProvider -string "Zoom"

# Set permissions
chmod 644 "$plist_path"
chown root:wheel "$plist_path"


But I did not test this. Should work. Just a word of caution!!!

New Contributor II

@Nandagopal thank you for your response, I can't locate a payload for M365 unfortunately and the script (something similar I've tried) has also failed. 

Valued Contributor III

I haven't tested this but you could try this in a profile using the Application & Custom Settings payload - Upload. Use "" for the preference domain. You don't need to actually upload a PLIST. You can just paste this in: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

This is not a setting we manage at my company, but we do manage some settings for Outlook. We use a custom PLIST like the one above to automatically login the user's account and enforce using the "new" Outlook. 

New Contributor

Let me  test and keep you posted