Shared iPads not updating to iOS 11

Contributor III

I have tried to push out the update to iOS 11 on several of our devices set up as Shared iPads. The iPad will restart - but the update does not install. No user is logged in and the device has adequate battery. I am able to update other devices that are not Shared. Unfortunately the update can not be done on the device itself due to Shared device restrictions.

Anyone else seeing this?


Contributor II

I've got the same issue, though it sounds like you're half a step ahead because I haven't even gotten the device to restart.

When I check the log for the device I see:
OSUpdateStatus iOS updates are not permitted while a user is logged in.

I had been logged in a time or two to check on things, but that's after letting them sit for over an hour between, pushing multiple inventory updates, etc. Not sure what's holding it up.

We updated our JSS to v9.101.0.

Contributor II

Wow, my shared iPad just starting installing. It took forever, but it's got a progress bar. We'll see if it finishes the job.

*Update - it updated successfully! Not sure exactly what the difference was since it's all in the background and you don't know how far along the download is and don't see any progress bar of the download. Once it starts installing you see the normal progress bar, but until that point you're in the dark.

New Contributor II

mine not working, I have 20 shared iPads and I try to push update via action, nothing. also I saw under about on settings there is no option of "update" like non shared iOS, is that the way it should?

Contributor III

I have a confirmation from Apple Engineers that this is an issue. There may be a fix in a subsequent iOS update. The only other option is to wipe them - put them into a prestage so that they are not shared and update. Then wipe them again and put them back into a prestage to set up as shared.