Posted on 01-06-2014 12:08 PM
I'm building my first 10.9 imaging config and cannot figure out why I'm getting the dialog to "Sign in to download from the App Store". This is not the iCloud popup. This is smaller with options to Create Apple ID, Cancel or Sign In- none of which work and it always comes back. (I'd paste a pic here but can't see how you all are doing that.)
I've only got three things in this configuration: 10.9.1 installer from the App Store run through AutoDMG for a base An admin account package created with CreateUserPkg And a first boot script doing a few very minor things like configuring the login window, gatekeeper, ARD.
Anyone seen this?
Posted on 01-06-2014 12:14 PM
Is there any iLife or iWork apps installed?
Is iBooks installed? (& outdated).
Are you behind a proxy that requires authentication?
Posted on 01-06-2014 12:20 PM
No iLife/Work. iBooks yes- as it ships in the retail distribution v1.0.1. And yes, we are behind authenticated proxy- which I can clear ok.
Posted on 01-07-2014 05:54 AM
I know v8.73 provided official support for 10.9, I'm running 8.71...
Could that have anything to do with this? I don't see how it could, but I'm grasping now...
Posted on 01-07-2014 10:44 AM
I am having the same problem. I am behind a proxy and firewall as well. My guess is that it is store_helper and storeagent getting triggered by the OS trying to look for updates. I am going to try moving the files out of the /System/Library/LaunchAgents folder and see what happens.
Posted on 01-08-2014 09:12 AM
@jconte][/url , I came to the same conclusion when building our image and renamed store_helper
in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Resources/ to store_helper.bak. This seemed to do the trick, but my machine just installed Apple Software Updates during a logout policy and it appears to have recreated store_helper. I'm thinking of making a logon script to check for this file and delete it if found, but let me know if anyone else comes up with another solution.
Posted on 01-16-2014 07:04 AM
Well it does seem that this dialog box stops appearing once I authenticate to the proxy.
And removing store_helper prevents this from appearing again if I have not authenticated to the proxy. I then applied a Thunderbolt Firmware Update via Software Update and that helper did not return.
So for those of us behind a proxy, that don't want this annoyance popping up, I'm wondering what might the ramifications of removing store_helper during imaging?
Posted on 05-05-2014 05:10 PM
Did you have any luck or even try removing store_helper during imaging? I am in the proxy boat and would the end user not to see this as they will trigger a HD call.
Posted on 05-05-2014 05:59 PM
unfortunately, we didn't go that route. We opened up the ports and allow unauthenticated access out to the specific locations, but to reduce the risk we have made the MAS restricted software and users need an approved security exception to unrestricted it.
Posted on 05-06-2014 05:27 AM
@jrserapio no luck removing the store_helper. I tried once on a test machine and it seemed to work, but was not repeatable.
This must have annoyed me more than the users because I'm not getting negative feedback about it. I told our level 2 desktop folks to simply advise logging into the proxy to made it go away.
Posted on 05-06-2014 06:44 AM
I was able to successfully remove store_helper during imaging and obtain the desired results. I have an ongoing logout script that runs on all of our machines which includes the following code
# Set path to store_helper file
# If the store_helper file exists
if [ -e "$storehelper" ]; then
# Output info to log
echo "Deleting the store_helper file..."
# Delete the store_helper file
rm "$storehelper"
I removed the store_helper file from our base image before creating the DMG, then added the logout script to the imaging configuration. So far this doesn't seem to have caused any problems for us.
I hope this helps!
Posted on 05-06-2014 08:41 AM
Thanks for the responses guys.
@dpertschi - This is actually annoying my Imaging guys more than the end users. Some of the end users are still new to Macs, so they may think that just the way its supposed to behave :)
@dwandro92 - Thank for this. I will test this out.
Posted on 09-11-2014 04:12 AM
Thanks... works a treat :D