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02:45 AM
- last edited
Hi all,
Currently we are experiencing excruciatingly slow connections to various SMB shares.
We have a Mac file server, Linux file server and windows file server all using SMB. When using finder to connect to any of these servers it can take up to 2 minutes just for the authentication window to appear.
I have tested changing the protocol on the apple server from SMB to AFP and it works perfectly.
I have read some posts here about it and tried various things such as disabling client signing but im not having any joy.
Has anyone else faced similar issues and how have you addressed it?
Thanks in advance ! :)
Posted on 07-27-2017 05:17 AM
Is this new behavior? Are they DFS Shares? A packet trace would shed some light on it, but I am not well versed enough to understand them (usually send them to our network team or Apple for parsing).
We have a problem with those, have had apple professional services on site a while back and they were able to find the cause, but not a resolution. We worked around it by mounting the share as deep as possible (instead of just going to smb:// we worked around it by having the users go smb://
I've filed bug reports since 10.7.x with every new OS beta, it has yet to be resolved (crossing fingers that it gets fixed in one of these 10.13 betas).
Posted on 07-27-2017 12:59 PM
I've become accustomed to this behavior, sadly.
Posted on 07-27-2017 02:19 PM
Possibly related to SMB1 now being disabled on most systems because of WannaCry.
What version of MacOS is this happening on? If you haven't already done so and have no requirement for it maybe disable SMB1.
Posted on 07-28-2017 04:35 AM
Hi all,
@jwojda Its not a DFS share. I think over the last week I've noticed the performance has seriously dropped... it has always taken around 5-10 seconds to connect to our windows share but this is now up to about a minute which I can reproduce consistently.
Even if i specify the exact share in the path it takes this time.
@Look - yes ive forced SMB2 in nsmb.conf as well :(
Running out of ideas !
Posted on 07-28-2017 07:56 AM
We also experienced this behavior. 10.12.6 seemed to resolve it for us. Prior to that we were running scripts that killed the AppleIDAuthAgent and using the syntax of smb://<user>:@FQDN.of.server/path/to/share. This was in conjunction with the nsmb.conf I should mention. We looked into the possibility of doing custom host files on machines, but 10.12.6 dropped just before we got that far and so far has corrected the behavior.
Good luck, this was a frustrating one for sure.