Suddenly Casper admin can't connect

New Contributor

Hi all,

Suddenly without making any changes i can't connect to Casper admin anymore.
About a week ago we upgraded from 9.63 to 64, we had no problems after the upgrade.
However more or less one week later without making any changes or doing updates this happened.

The web url (JSS) still works and the sever logs don't give me anything useful so far..
Admin connect to the same url as JSS https://<intern-url>:8443

Each hint or suggestion is more than welcome.

Many thanks in advance


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

There were some bugs with 9.64 which was swiftly replaced with 9.65. I would try upgrading to that.

I would also check all of the privileges for that account in the JSS. I have had an admin account lose access to some options in the past. Going through and making sure all the checkboxes are ticked may help.

Valued Contributor II

have you checked to make sure the servers don't need to be rebooted?
happens to us frequently, a quick reboot later, and everything is fine for a while.

New Contributor

I'm not a fan of rebooting production systems without a clear indication that it is the right decision.
A HUP signal to tomcat did the trick.

thnx for your responses