Support App Post-install Script

Valued Contributor II

On the off-chance this may help other Jamf Pro admins, we’re currently testing a post-install script for @jordy_witteman's excellent Support Appwhich we’ve added to a Jamf Pro policy as a Script payload, specifying the following:

Jamf Pro Script Parameter Labels

  • Parameter 4: Authorization Key
  • Parameter 5: Reverse Domain Name Notation (i.e., "org.churchofjesuschrist")
  • Parameter 6: Configuration Files to Reset (i.e., None (blank) | All | LaunchAgent)

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 4.59.54 AM.png


New Contributor III

this is off topic, but how is your jamf logo red? Would be nice for separating Jamf Pro and Jamf Pro Sandbox

Valued Contributor II

We're hosted on-prem, @smolyeet  and our in-house deployment tool dynamically selects the logo color based on the lane (i.e.,  green for Dev, red for Stage and normal for Prod).

Honored Contributor

Support App is a great tool - and getting better.  Saved me from the grief that I created trying to make something with the built-in Jamf tools...

Contributor III

Someone there who can show me how i have to configurate the support app? just only via configuration profile?