The service token may be in use by another server. The service token can be reclaimed below for this JSS.


Has anyone tried to reclaim the service token and the red flag get removed? I moved a VPP account from a test environment (that is not accessible now) to the JSS for App distribution and I keep getting the red triangle on the account. I have clicked on "reclaim token" and the red triangle went away. then scoped an app to a computer and it downloaded. The red triangle has since reappeared with the note that the token may be in use by another server.


Contributor III

the VPP token on the test environment will expire after one year and your problem will go away on its own

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

If you no longer have access to the test server another way to stop it from interfering with VPP management is to log on to the VPP portal on Apple's website and change the password of the Apple ID that manages that VPP account. You will then need to download a new token and upload it to the VPP Account in the JSS.

A short time after changing the password for the account Apple will stop accepting communication using the old token. The JSS will display the notification "VPP Token Revoked for the VPP Account NAME" until you have uploaded the new token. After doing this and possibly having to click the "Reclaim Token" button once more, the JSS should be the only server that is managing that VPP account.

New Contributor II

Had the same issue and just as Bryan says the password for Apple VPP account had been changed so had to upload the token and reclaim it again.


We are in the process of transferring from VPP to Apple school manager:

question can you have more than one VPP token on JAMF (it looks possible as it allows you to add them)

2nd Ive downloaded the new token but im seeing the "Reclaim Token" button on the new VPP token/account, if i revoke this wil lour exisitng vpp apps on our 1500+ ipads get removed or will anything happen to the apps?