Unable to Connect to LDAP server.

New Contributor

Please I need some help. We suddenly started getting this error : Your username and password may be wrong on the user's remote management login screen. Secondly, when we test the LDAP(Active Directory) connection in JSS we get: Unable to Connect to LDAP server. We have not been able to anthenticate any user through remote management. We now have a backlog of devices waiting to be provisioned. Help is needed. We didn't make any changes to the LDAP server either.464f7b3279f84d9f99492362cf9033b4


New Contributor

Check to see that no firewall is blocking the connection. See if you can telnet to the DC from the server as well.


We had a similar problem a few months ago. For us, it was a certificate issue. I would check to see if the certificate was updated or altered.

Valued Contributor

Verify that the username/password you use to connect to the LDAP server is correct and not disabled. Try with a different user as well.

New Contributor III

echoing what @techjason suggested, we updated Java a couple months ago and then ran into similar AD issues. It ended up being certificate related

New Contributor

Thanks everyone. After many days of troubleshoot, we finally got this issue resolved. we changed the DNS server but all records and zone files were configured correctly on the new DNS server. Jamf wouldn't connect through LDAP. We tried everything possible but it still wasn't connecting, meaning we couldn't enroll any new device.

To cut the long story short, it dawned on me last week Friday to totally delete the LDAP connection in jamf and configure a new totally connection with the same settings as the old one. I did that and it started working. funny, isn't it?

New Contributor

I am currently having the same problem, except I don't have a full AD built out with multiple domain controllers or a DMZ to rely on. So for now it's a Palo Alto firewall, and one "server". I configured the firewall to allow any traffic from JAMF cloud going to the server from the external interface. I also did port forwarding for 8389 to the internal source IP, 10.x for anything coming over the external interface. The JIM setup goes through fine and reports in. However, when I try to connect LDAP to it, it fails to connect every time. Even though now I even went as far as specifying the Authentication type to Simple and mapped some of the mappings.