Posted on 02-19-2019 07:02 AM
Hi All,
I'm trying to upload a packaged Mojave installer and receiving the below error.
Smaller packages upload fine - there's nothing in the logs to suggest the connection is timing out either so I'm not entirely sure how to troubleshoot this.
Also - when trying to upload via the JSS it also fails, this time with the error 'the file could not be parsed'.
Any ideas?
Posted on 04-18-2019 08:17 AM
Having the exact same problem here. Did you ever figure it out?
Posted on 04-18-2019 08:59 AM
Not sure if AWS has the same limitation, but I know the JCDS has a 5GB file size limit for uploads. Since the macOS Mojave installer is ~6.5 GB that could be the issue.
Posted on 09-29-2019 04:54 AM
Anyone figure this one out? I have been in contact with Jamf and they claim it should be working. Trying both through web interface and the admin app. Web uploads ok but then fails checksum after pending. The admin app will do its checksum, pass, start uploading but then fail at 99%.
Posted on 10-29-2019 04:17 AM
This is still happening. Both failing, Web interface and jamf admin app.
Posted on 10-29-2019 05:01 AM
@vanschip-gerard try using Safari it's uploads it successfully.