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10:11 AM
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a week ago
I have an Adobe Creative Cloud package that is 21Gb (I know it's massive). Pre-Jamf, I was able to use ARD to install the package to target machines about 85% of the time. I wanted to see if Jamf was more reliable but have had no success in getting the package in our Cloud JSS instance using both a web browser and Jamf Admin. Anyone else have this problem or know of upload limits?
Posted on 03-21-2019 10:30 AM
I've had this issue with the Mojave installer, which is just over 6GB. Same as you, I had no success with either method, so now I'm having to implement a work-around solution which is less than ideal.
Posted on 03-21-2019 10:32 AM
I thought the file size limit was 5 GBs, but I'm not sure where I recall seeing that. Maybe in some of the documentation.
Posted on 03-21-2019 10:59 AM
@joethedsa This has been a limitation since the inception of Jamf Cloud. Recommended workarounds have included utilizing curl for the file upload:
Posted on 03-22-2019 10:28 AM
I have had no problem uploading Adobe DMGs that I create to JAMF and then deploying them. However, I break each Adobe product out into a separate DMG installer. It takes longer to create the individual DMGs but then, once I have them, it gives me the flexibility to create single product installs if a staff member only wants Photoshop for example.
Posted on 03-22-2019 11:10 AM
+1 to what @adminNWA says. It would be best to break those up into smaller installs if possible. Since Jamf Pro works differently from ARD, you don't need to contain everything into one huge package to limit the amount of times you are dragging in files for pushes. You can add all those individual smaller ones into one policy if needed. I can't imagine it's really ever a good idea to try to push a 21 GB package over the network. There are too many opportunities for failure that way.
Outside of that, 2 other options are to do what @stephen.perry-GS mentioned and try using the API example on those threads to upload it (but you're still going to be pushing a very large pkg install in one shot to clients, which doesn't seem like a great idea), or, you can set up a local HTTP or even SMB distribution point on your network and use that as your Master instead of the cloud instance. A local DP isn't going to have the same upload limitations. You will still be faced with the situation above - pushing a large installer over the network to clients, which could fail.
Posted on 03-22-2019 11:48 AM
Adobe is changing the way they will do device licenses very soon so I suspect the way we've been doing it here will inevitably have to change. The multiple DMG's strategy is an interesting thought. I wonder if there is a way to get the most up to date DMG for each product by using the curl command to the Adobe site. Anyone have any experience doing that?
Posted on 04-03-2019 03:04 PM
@landon_Starr I have also run into this issue today.
We attempted to "curl" the package, as a work-around but it appears to still keep error-ing out upon upload.
Curious, have you found a workaround to get macOS mojave to upload to your Jamf Cloud yet?
Posted on 09-07-2019 08:43 AM
I encountered this issue with the Mojave Installer as well. Eventually what worked for me was uploading the package via Jamf Cloud using a Windows Based PC. For whatever reason the Mac would always fail the upload process using both the Jamf Pro application and the Jamf cloud site upackage uplaod.
Posted on 09-09-2019 02:51 PM
We (PC and Mac) build each Adobe product separately, it;'s always been a pain to get it to install but moving to a modular install script worked a treat.
Posted on 09-09-2019 04:42 PM
as far as im aware , there is no size limit , ive uploaded a 25GB Adobe CC PAckage via the Jamf Portal and works fine and deploys fine
the 25GB Package in Jamf Admin would time out
Posted on 09-10-2019 05:27 AM
For what it's worth, a few weeks back I had an online chat session with Jamf and the rep said the limit is 20Gb. @VitorCostaUK , looks like you lucked out with your upload. I ended up also having issues with individual Adobe packages averaging about 2.5 Gb in size. My latest solution was to rename the package (the package was created directly from the Adobe admin web console) to something different, then upload via Safari. I have taken everyone's advice to upload each product separately and for the most part have been successful. I appreciate all who chimed in!
Posted on 09-10-2019 07:27 AM
I found taking all the special characters out of the package name done the trick, so rename it something like AdobeCC2019.pkg.
The actual file size limit for a JC DP is around 4TB, it's an Amazon S3 Bucket.
Posted on 12-15-2019 11:08 PM
I am really wondering what the max upload file size is. I tried to upload Android Studio as PKG, it is approx 770 MB in size, and it won't work. I attached a screenshot of the error message.
Other, smaller files work.
I am not sure why but including the image in this post did not work, therefor I linked it.
Link to error screenshot
Posted on 12-16-2019 09:57 AM
@j.meister , you may want to open a case with Jamf directly. I can only go by what the rep that helped me months ago said- 20Gb is the limit. Have you tried to repackage it as a DMG and upload it?
Posted on 12-16-2019 10:22 AM
Hi joethedsa,
thanks for your reply. I only tried PKG but I will try it with DMG too. If that does not work I will open a case.
Posted on 12-16-2019 10:47 AM
@j.meister Have you tried uploading through the JAMF Pro web interface? JAMF seems to be pushing people away from uploading packages through JAMF Admin.
If that still doesn't work you may need to open a case to make sure that the /dev/mapper/rootvg-usrlv has enough space as it copies it through there before going to the AWS bucket where your PKGs sit.
Posted on 12-17-2019 08:25 AM
@joethedsa Uploading it via the web interface works but after uploading the pkg or dmg it says "Availability pending" with a yellow exclamation mark in the front. I don't know what that means.
I will open up a case.
Posted on 12-17-2019 09:17 AM
@j.meister, this usually will go away after a few minutes if you refresh the page. I have a cloud instance of Jamf so if your's is different you may get different behavior. Usually within a few minutes, I can already create a policy with the uploaded package with no problem.
Posted on 12-18-2019 06:39 AM
@j.meister "Availability pending" indicates that the package is being "processed" so to speak. This was also observed when JDS was still around.
Depending on the size of the package, this process can can some time to complete. While in this state, the package is available for scoping to a policy, etc., however, it is not available for download should a device execute the policy.
Jamf Support should be able to provide additional clarification around this.
Posted on 12-18-2019 06:52 AM
@joethedsa What exactly is your filename? I was able to upload via the web console my ~19GB installer once I removed all spaces and periods from the filename that didn't specific a file extension. It is a known issue with Jamf.
Posted on 12-18-2019 08:44 AM
@Mcgwirej , typically our naming convention is to name it "Product_CC_Year_LicenseType". For example, I named one "Adobe_Photoshop_CC_2020_SDL". Because I use the Adobe Admin console to create them, it will add "Install" at the end of the name automatically. Once it has been downloaded locally, I rename it to "Adobe_Photoshop_CC_2020_SDL_Installer" (SDL means Shared Device License". I use Safari to upload it and have had ~90% success rate.
Posted on 11-17-2020 06:39 AM
Thanks @seaneldridge7 your solution worked for me. Removing special characters like peroids or hyphens. Underscores work though.
Posted on 04-01-2021 09:44 AM
Not much rhyme nor reason around what works or not.
"Adobe_After_Effects_2021_18.0_Install.pkg" works fine.
"Adobe_Media_Encoder_2021_15.0_Install.pkg" will not upload via JSS web interface. Will upload via Jamf Admin... but will not replicate to other Distribution Points. Same exact naming structure... even same number of characters.
"Adobe Media Encoder 2021 15.0 Install.pkg" (all underscores replaced with spaces) also works fine, even though others say that spaces and periods are troublesome.
Posted on 04-01-2021 09:57 AM
Same here. It's a hit and miss. All of them upload with the Admin, but sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I have found that if I login to the machine and go to terminal and trigger the policy manually, all installs perfectly fine.