Verify Distribution Point?

New Contributor

Hello Casper people!

I need you help. Is there a way to FORCE a client to use a distribution point. The reason I ask is in our environment we have two DP. Once is a AFP share and the other is a SMB share. The AFP share is the MASTER and for some reason some machines are defaulting to the SECONDARY one and never trying to mount eh MASTER. SO I have two questions.

  1. Is there a way to verify what DP a client is pointing too?
  2. Is there a way to FORCE it to use the master aside from a network segment setting.



Valued Contributor II

The main location it looks is the network segment, but in Casper Remote you can override the default settings by clicking on Override Defaults icon at the top of the C.Remote window. You can also override defaults in the JSS Policy when you add a package, you can tell it where to install from by going into the Policy --> Options --> Packages --> Distribution Point.

Further, in the JSS --> Settings --> Computer Management --> File Share Distribution Points --> you can select a failover, so that if it can't find the package on the SMB, you can tell it to failover to the AFP.

Note: these paths were taken from JSS 9.32 - but 8.x should be similar - except for the failover JSS. I don't think 8.x had the option