Webclips on Shared iPads

New Contributor

Is there a fix for Webclips and shared ipads. Currently it is only possible for single user only.


New Contributor

Just to add to this request: Webclips and Exchange account deployment via config profile isn't working for our Shared iPads either. According to the iOS Deployment Reference, shared iPads can still have a range of configs pushed to them as long as they don't have user information in them: https://help.apple.com/deployment/ios/#/iordf071898b

I wondered, then, if we had to assign the config profile to the user, not the device - however that doesn't seem to work either.

Finally, when opening the mail app, users on shared iPads are not allowed to create mail accounts, despite there being no restriction profiles from JSS in place. Can anyone else running shared iPads confirm whether their experience is the same?



Our current workaround for our primary school shared iPads is to launch the website via Classroom app, then guide the kids to save the website as a bookmark. The bookmark is then made available on any shared iPad for that student.

Contributor II

I explained to a teacher last week that the webclip is basically a simple string of text to take a user to a website. I'm sure it can't be that difficult for them to figure out how to return that functionality for Shared Model! eyeroll

So I think we'll be trying the Classroom app to see if that works for this 4th grade teacher using Shared Model.

Valued Contributor II

Hey all,

We're aware of this issue and it's currently open under PI-002745.

If you have not already, please get in touch with Support to open a case and have it attached to PI-002745.

You can get in touch with Support by either giving us a call, sending an e-mail to support@jamf.com, or by using the My Support section of Jamf Nation.

Were Wulff
Jamf Support

New Contributor

We copied all of our K-5 Webclip URLs into a PDF file. Then we shared via eBooks.

New Contributor III

Thanks for the work around tferguson. I'll be using it in place of WebClips for our Public Safety department until the issue is resolved.


any new updates on this problem

Valued Contributor II

Any updates will be noted in the Release Notes.

If you do not see PI-002745 listed in the Release Notes it means that it has not been resolved and is still open.

Were Wulff
Jamf Customer Experience

New Contributor

Any progress on this?  Web Clips on the home screen of Shared iPads (Business) would be super helpful.

Did you solve it?

Did not solve it. My understanding at the time was Apple prevented webclip on shared ipads and that was the end of the story. Situation could have changed of course.


Emory Simmons, CISSP
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New Contributor

We need Webclips for shared ipads with Jamf School. Is there any workaround? 

New Contributor III

Not sure if the same applies to JamfSchool, but in JamfPro, you must deploy the WebClip as a separate config profile and apply it at a user level instead of at the device level, which is the default.