WEPA Deployment for Labs

New Contributor

Is anyone using WEPA printing for labs in a large setting environment? We are using WEPA in labs here at the University. It's very tricky to create a package because the settings have to include the name of the university, whether or not to logon as a guest, student or lab, how long before you get logged out, and a few other nuances. I'd like to deploy this silently, but keep running into slight problems.

If anyone has come across this or has any leads, it will be much appreciated.



New Contributor

WePa has instructions on how to do a silent install. http://support.wepanow.com/deploy-wepa-print-app-for-mac-to-multiple-public-computers/

I am going to give it a try today. I will let you know if I am successful.

New Contributor II

Do you have any updates on this? I'm trying to get it deployed, but running into issues with it. Like having it start on login, which a coworker and I had to build a launchD plist for that.

Contributor II


I work for the University of New Mexico and we are going to deploying wepa printing. Anyone been successful in large scale deployment?



Contributor II

Any updates on this one? I'm in the same boat and looking to get this deployed to a bunch of labs on campus. Any help would be appreciated!

Contributor II

Here is my workflow:

I have a policy that installs the WEPA Print App package.

From there I lay down a pre-configured com.wepa.preference.plist.pkg which resides in /Library/Preferences

There is a plist named hubino.WEPA-PrintApp.plist as a dmg with FEU FUT. This appears after installation of the package above and I am not really sure what it does but it is needed.

Then a shell script that sets B&W double sided as the system default and eliminate the "Last Used " issue:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/org.cups.PrintingPrefs UseLastPrinter -bool False
sudo lpoptions -d WEPA_MON_DUP_PDF
exit 0

Hope that gives you all something to go on. It took some testing and effort but I have WEPA working on ~300 Macs on my campus.


Contributor II

Hi @Randydid , I have deployed the vanilla WEPA Print App pkg but I can't seem to find the com.wepa.preference.plist that you reference above nor can I find the hubino.WEPA-PrintApp.plist DMG that you talk about. Am I missing something in your description? Thanks!


@kricotta, the com.wepa.preference.plist file should be in the actual application package in /Applications, if I remember correctly it'll be called something else, wepa-PrintApp.plist or something along those lines.

My WEPA policy pushes a package that installs the plist to /Library/Preferences (no reason for FEU or FUT), then dumps the vanilla installer in /tmp/mountpt. A script is then run to install the .pkg as directed by their documentation.

Contributor II

@wmehilos thanks so much for your help!

Contributor II


Sorry I am slow to respond. I have left UNM and did not have access to the WEPA environment to elaborate. Glad you are getting it sorted @kricotta


Contributor II

@Randydid no worries, thanks for responding!