Posted on 12-04-2012 09:22 AM
What are things on your self service? We are starting to use Self Service more. Our users consist of Freshman to Seniors they are on MacBook Pro 13 in.
Posted on 12-04-2012 09:43 AM
Adobe Air Updater
Apple Updates
Export Entourage Notes
Fix my Mac (big red button)
Reset Firefox
Reset FontExplorer
Run Onyx
Ticket Viewer
Flash reinstall
Reset Photoshop (point to a dedicated scratch disk)
Reset Illustrator (point to a dedicated scratch disk)
Allow Appstore( only me lol)
various url resource links
Posted on 12-04-2012 10:09 AM
What are you looking for? Applications available or the categories that we have set.
Posted on 12-04-2012 10:52 AM
I have taken the approach of putting lots of small tasks on Self Service that teachers can run to fix small problems. Here is a list of the things in Self Service with how I am running them posted below:
In addition to those, I have more on the way. I have asked Staff and the Building Techs for ideas to add into Self Service.
I take the approach that if it is easily scriptable, I make a policy for it and put it on Self Service so users can quickly solve minor problems and I can focus on larger, more complicated issues. Instead of running across the school to eject a CD from a computer, I can just have the user run the Self Service job.
My particular favorite is the ```
``` command. It is a one line command that is incredibly powerful! Open Activity Monitor and run this command and watch how much memory you can regain.
Posted on 12-17-2012 12:36 PM
Some of the things I've put in our Self Service:
• Lion Tamer -- turns off the Time Machine local snapshots feature introduced in Lion, that is incompatible with Sophos.
• Terminator! -- turns off automatic Application termination
• Purge My Memory -- runs the "purge" command to free up system memory, to assist the very broken memory manager in Lion.
• Nuke SMARTBoard! -- will delete all traces of SMART board software so that the latest version can be installed. Upgrading from some older versions has caused all kinds of problems for us.
Posted on 12-17-2012 12:38 PM
I am glad to see you also chose to run the purge command!
I also think your names are a lot more fun than mine...
Posted on 02-13-2013 10:32 AM
I image my staff computers with a generic image and all our curricular software is in Self Service, by Department.
I have Self Service restricted on student computers, but have white listed building tech accounts so they can use tools to troubleshoot or fix stuff
I have a section for my building techs where they can
recon or just update ip in the JSS
manually run startup, login and every15 policies, as well as flush all polices (if instructed to do so)
I also have a "Fixes for some Common Issues" for staff as we uncovered tweaks needed:
set dvd regions
Disable Saved State silliness
Add Serial number to ActivInpsire
Run Software Updates
Update App Store Apps (any installed by Casper)
Printers, of course, and scoped by subnet so staff can install printer if at another building for meeting.
On my Home Printers section where staff can install third party printer drivers, they can also get instructions on adding a home printer which goes to Shared with iCon in the Dock
I also have webclips to Apple Videos, our gmail landing page, and our own tech page
Now will add purge
and have been thinking of Fix My Mac that just restarts the computer :)
Posted on 06-06-2013 10:00 AM
anyone have anything else to add? its nice to see how others in the K12 environments are using self service since its so empowering to the teachers/staff. Two unique ones i have added to self service for our environment are
Printer Kerberos Fix- runs a script that checks for a valid kerb ticket, gives the user a nice gui prompt for their password if none exists.
Mount H: Drive- Each user has a network share that should get mounted automatically on login. Various connectivity issues could prevent that share from mounting on login, so we have a script here that mounts the currently logged in users network share.
Posted on 06-06-2013 12:48 PM
I've added just a couple:
We have a few copiers that do not like Google Chrome's Print Preview,
so I have a fix that disables it and restores the OSX print window:
defaults write DisablePrintPreview -boolean true
I have a script that changes screenshots from .png to jpeg
Reset Printing System: a script that deletes all existing printers