Jamf Pro
Powerful workflows for IT pros
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Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Passwords with parameters

In light of the 9.97 hot fix our organization is going through and purging or sanitizing any scripts that may contain sensitive data. To that end, one script in particular is throwing back some errors when we attempt to pass parameters when using it....  View more

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I wrote this script to easily update package files used in policies when replacement packages have been uploaded to the JSS. Historically, we have almost a dozen JAMF PRO Sites where packages are updated centrally, but the policies are managed at the...  View more

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Put comps a policy hit into a smartgroup.......

I have a policy that did a bad thing, and now need to correct it on just those machines that were hit with the policy..... (672 machines) Any straight forward was of doing this? Seems like a EA would have to be used? Please advise. BestDavid  View more

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New 9.97 JSS release and Tomcat

Does anyone know if the latest dot release of 9.97 includes a higher version of Tomcat other than originally deployed with 9.97 (Tomcat version 8.0.39)?  View more

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Excel .xlsx on Windows 2012 R2 SMB share

Hello, We have migrated from a Mac Shares server to a Windows 2012 R2 Shares server. It has gone smoothly with one exception. When a Mac User re-saves a .xslx file to a shared folder it generates a temporary folder which is normal when saving excel f...  View more

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Cisco AnyConnect - Default Settings Deployment

Hi all, We are trying to deploy the Cisco AnyConnect default settings through the XML but we are having troubles with the default group. We are managing to deploy the settings for the server but we are not having any luck with the default group. Even...  View more

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infrastructure help - Distribution Point in DMZ

We are looking to expand the file distribution point for macOS and potentially needing to host In-house apps for iOS. We currently have an internal server running MySQL, Apache Tomcat. Consider this as a primary JSS. All internal network will communi...  View more

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uninstall teradata drivers

I'm looking for a non-admin way of uninstalling teradata drivers. I see they include an app in the Applications folder. I need to either open that as root or find a script or something to remove it... any ideas?  View more

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Completely Disable iCloud?

Is it possible to completely disable iCloud all-together? I know we can disable elements of iCloud in a Configuration Profile, but if we wanted to force-sign-out users from iCloud, then prevent a user from logging into iCloud ever again, can we do th...  View more

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To Bind or not To Bind

Hi all, we currently bind our Macs mainly for password policy compliance. We are investigating unbinding and using EC or Nomad instead as we have seen big speed increases espcially with off network boots. Questions is what else may be happening at bo...  View more

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Items added to dock

Hey all, I'm trying to fix an issue with a dock configuration I made. I've packaged up a dock using composer and User Environment. I made this as a DMG and also used FEU and FUT. This deploys ok, however when I log in with any new user, it adds Maps,...  View more

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NetSus 4.1 and insecure PHP

We were hoping that upgrading to NetSus 4.1 would update PHP to a more secure version. But the PHP version in 4.1 is still one that the security department at one of our customers doesn't allow in the network.We tried to upgrade Ubuntu to a later ver...  View more

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Use alternate path for AD users network home

At a loss here. I need to redirect AD users network homes to a different path than the one in their AD profile for a client using Casper. This is easy with Centrify but can't work out a scriptable method. It's easy enough to mount wherever with a Lau...  View more

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Was there a new command for adding deleting users?

Maybe I am imagining it but I am sure I saw posted a new set of command line tools for adding and removing users with the same options you get through the GUI i.e. keep home folder etc...Can't find it anywhere and my google is clearly failing today.....  View more

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FileVault 2 and Multiple Partitions

I'm in the process of rolling out FileVault 2 Encryption via a Self Service policy that utilizes individual keys that are stored in the JSS. We have a couple employees that have created a 2nd partition on their macs which is creating a problem for me...  View more

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Is anyone currently using ADFS SSO? We're having an issue getting it configured successfully.We believe the issue is with the JSS signing certificate being used. We keep getting errors that indicate a bad certificate.From the ADFS log:"An error occur...  View more

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Testing Disk Read/Write Speed

The GoalWe have a number of Mid 2012 MacBook Pros still in production that have the known hard drive flex cable issue for which Apple has a Quality Program for replacement. To better determine machines that need this cable replaced, I was trying to c...  View more

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New Windows Installer for hotfix 9.97.1488392992

A new Windows installer is now available for hotfix 9.97.1488392992. The Windows installer can be found in Jamf Nation under My Assets. If you followed the manual process to upgrade to hotfix 9.97.1488392992, then no additional action is necessary. I...  View more

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Scripts using "defaults write"

I'm using the Sierra OS. I'm trying to run a script for hiding the menu bar on a few systems. I'm using the following as my script: #!/bin/sh defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool true killall Finder It says that it runs without any erro...  View more

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Standard User with MacBook Prestage Enrollment

Hello,We are starting to look at a Prestage Enrollment workflow for our Macs. We have been doing this with our iPads since it became available and are looking towards APFS and eliminating our mass imaging workflow. I just setup a Mac Mini and walked ...  View more

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How to manage log4j.properties file?

Dear experts, I wonder how I am supposed to manage/maintain the log4j.properties file. I had noticed that our production servers don't have a JSSAccess.log. After some digging I saw that their log4j.properties don't have any entry for that file, so I...  View more

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How to manage log4j.properties file?

Dear experts, I wonder how I am supposed to manage/maintain the log4j.properties file. I had noticed that our production servers don't have a JSSAccess.log. After some digging I saw that their log4j.properties don't have any entry for that file, so I...  View more

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Just Discovered Search VPP Content Error

Just discovered (and maybe most if not all of you already knew, but…) when doing a Search VPP Content, or looking at a Mobile App > VPP, the Column labeled "In Use" is WRONG. Either JAMF needs to add another column or re-phrase the column heading. To...  View more

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