Posted on 06-08-2015 08:44 AM
No Apple TV, but maybe a music streaming service? And some updates on iOS 9 and OS X? We'll find out soon…
Posted on 06-08-2015 10:11 AM
watch OS … management?
Posted on 06-08-2015 10:46 AM
What caught my eye is that there is a re-designed Disk Utility. I wish I would have caught a screenshot because there were other items as well mentioned. Curious to see what they will be doing to Disk Utility.
Posted on 06-08-2015 10:52 AM
Almost time to start blocking El Capitan! ;-)
Posted on 06-08-2015 10:57 AM
I'm curious how management tools like Casper will work with the new things like the News app or the Proactive Assistant. For example, will we be able to blacklist news sources or prevent access to email/apps/whatever by the Assistant. My environment is pretty lax on these things, but I know that some are legally required to take some measures on things like tax or student data.
Posted on 06-08-2015 01:07 PM
I wonder if multitasking will bring the ability for Casper Focus to allow multiple apps to be locked/switched between instead of locking to just one app.
Posted on 06-08-2015 01:10 PM
Fortunately for us, we don't manage iOS devices. That being said, blocking the heck outta EC right now.
Posted on 06-08-2015 01:40 PM
Low blow for Relo?
Posted on 06-08-2015 02:26 PM
@jonscott that is bad timing!
It's a shame we have to consider blocking 10.11 upgrades. The users can't accidentally sign up for a dev account, download the beta and install it can they?
Posted on 06-08-2015 03:10 PM
Restricting Cap'n? We still restrict Yosemite (aside from hardware that can't be "downgraded"). Get off my lawn Yosemite!
Posted on 06-08-2015 03:19 PM
Snow Yosemite!
Posted on 06-08-2015 04:05 PM
Who "experienced" the keynote or just "watched" it? :-)
Mark me down in the "neither" column.
Posted on 06-08-2015 04:31 PM
I watched the live stream from Apple's homepage as best I could, though I think I had to refresh my browser due to either video or sound stalling at least 5 times throughout.
Up until today, I can say I only had a passing interest in Apple Watch. But after watching what is coming with native watch apps, I'm somewhat more interested. I'm definitely seeing the potential for this shaping up nicely. Still a little 'rich' for me right now, but like all things I'm guessing prices will get better as they get more efficient at making them.
As for El Capitan? I'm officially calling it 10.11 and that's that. I feel kind of silly calling my OS 'El Capitan' (I've already gotten a few chuckles from the PC guys here on that when they read the headline.)
I am happy to see that its mostly a refinement of Yosemite (very needed IMO) and not another complete redesign with tons of new features. The stuff they are adding is nice. Seems like is becoming a bit like Evernote or other similar apps. And hooray! for Safari being able to quickly identify which tab is playing that annoying sound or advert. I tend to keep a lot of tabs open in Safari and I can't tell you how many times I've had to just quit it completely to stop some silly video or music from playing on a tab that I could not locate.
As for the JAMF Relo / Apple Move to iOS thing... well, not the first time Apple has stepped on an existing developers toes, and it won't be the last. I have a feeling Apple may have already been working on this even while JAMF was developing their app, so I don't know if it was a case of stealing the idea. It was kind of an obvious next step. iOS is making gains on Android, so more people are switching to iOS than the other way around. It was an obvious gap to fill.
Posted on 06-08-2015 04:44 PM
Not there, but what I saw was a real "experience" (queue up Jimi Hendrix). Personally, I can't wait for the "crazy little jiggly thing" in the News app. Oh, I'm also hoping they teach Cap'n how to reconnect to WiFi after sleep. Good stuff.
... off to DL the latest dev goodies and read the Read Me's.
Posted on 06-09-2015 05:40 AM
My opinion on the Move to iOS app is less of a jab at Android, and more of something created to help the general user not lose their stuff should they decide to move. I've had to help and train people in migrating some of the data that the new app can do. Honestly, if left to their own means, a regular user will often forget or do something wrong in that process.
In the background, Apple has continued to make tools for use in its Retail stores so that employees can help customers move content. Up until MobileMe (sometimes) copying content, and iCloud sometimes copying content, they only had the boxes like the cell carrier stores have to copy Contacts over.
Since their mobileOS structures are moderately similar, it finally allows for a psuedo-iCloud backup to be created from it to be applied to the iOS which is good.
Posted on 06-09-2015 05:52 AM
And hooray! for Safari being able to quickly identify which tab is playing that annoying sound or advert.
Hahaha, Ditto! Biggest announcement for me! When I read news articles, I open a bunch in tabs and read them as I have time over a few hours. At least 5 days a week I send "Feedback" to CNN about how shitty it is that they decided I wanted video to auto play.
Posted on 06-09-2015 06:34 AM
I'm really hoping some management tools will be developed for the Watch since the announcement of native apps.
The watches have become a focal point here and we had to put a stop on them since we are very limited with managing them.
I to have added OS X 10.11 EC to the Restricted Software list...
don't you love this time of year!!!!
Posted on 06-09-2015 07:13 AM
As for El Capitan? I'm officially calling it 10.11 and that's that. I feel kind of silly calling my OS 'El Capitan' (I've already gotten a few chuckles from the PC guys here on that when they read the headline.)
I'm just gonna call it OSX Kirk.
As for the Move to iOS app, it's going to be much better than JAMF's version solely because Apple has access to things JAMF doesn't. Judging from the description on Apple's site, it will take an inventory of all the apps on the Android device and find their iOS equivalents and add them to your App Store wishlist. That's a huge benefit that I'm not sure if Relo is able to do.
Posted on 06-09-2015 07:49 AM
I like the new feature where I can condense the tabs in Safari to save space. I, and other Mac people I work with, have many tabs that we may be working off of. Great idea to save space.
As for blocking 10.11, El Capitan is a lazy name choice, how would you do that but allow users to update from Mavericks to Yosemite? We just released Yosemite to users but don't want them to be able to install the 10.11 beta.
Posted on 06-09-2015 07:51 AM
I'm just happy some updates are coming to CarPlay. #MattersToMe
Posted on 06-09-2015 07:58 AM
Any idea if Safari's condensed tabs (is this pinned sites?) suspends tab content, a la "the great suspender" for Chrome? That extension has been very helpful in Chrome since I tend to have many tabs open, and I'd love to use something similar in Safari, if it exists. Or do condensed tabs just save on space and re-open after quit?
Posted on 06-09-2015 08:18 AM
The name El Capitan is actually an interesting, and I imagine very thought out choice. Since "El Cap" is a specific spot within Yosemite National Park, I think this is Apple's semi-subtle way of saying that 10.11 is a refinement or zeroing in of 10.10, not a different/redesigned OS (a la different locale in CA)
That's not to say I particularly like the name, just commenting that it was a probably a very deliberate name choice. :)
Posted on 06-09-2015 08:26 AM
I'm working on El Capitan Captain desktop background series based on the posts in the macadmins Slack group. I'll try to hit most of the ST captains, as well as my personal favorite captain, Zapp Branigan. High res, natch.
Posted on 06-09-2015 08:38 AM
I just refuse to use the stupid names and only go after 10.11 or 10.10 at least I can remember those and they are far more meaningful to me anyway. I have yet to watch the release announcement to hear how gorgeous, beautiful, most whatever this OS is, because really I could care less, I have not used a new feature that I have not had to use in 3 years, launch pad, notification center and whatever the new part of that is, and blah blah blah. I just need to figure out what random changes Apple has made to break my processes :)
Posted on 06-09-2015 01:18 PM
If anybody is at WWDC and wants to meet up sometime, give me a shout out! All the mac admins in the room will want to watch session 301 as soon as you can!
Posted on 06-09-2015 01:35 PM
@mm2270 wrote:
The name El Capitan is actually an interesting, and I imagine very thought out choice.
OK, it took me a while to get that one. ;)
Posted on 06-09-2015 01:39 PM
@john_wetter do you have or know where we can find the links to the sessions??
Posted on 06-09-2015 01:53 PM
@john_wetter do you have or know where we can find the links to the sessions??
You'll want to either watch the live streams, or catch the sessions as they're posted on the WWDC site.
Posted on 06-09-2015 08:20 PM
Session videos will be posted at the end of each day into the WWDC app.
Posted on 06-10-2015 06:20 AM
You called it Session 301 but I don't see such naming convention on the WWDC site. Are you talking about the session titled "What's New in Managing Apple Devices?"
Posted on 06-10-2015 06:32 AM
While I haven't gotten to play with the ios9 or the new WatchOS2 yet (that's my weekend plan). I did fire up El Capitan and take her for a little sail. From a fresh install she's very snappy and quick to open things and run things. I'm going to give her the full barrage of tests this week and put her through her sea trials.
On the watch part, I'm glad we are getting functionality on the watch. I have a little soundboard app I wrote to assume my friends and it sucks that it relied on the phone to actually play the sound. Now I'll be able to do it from the watch itself (and yes I did add fart noises to it after Apple banned those apps....they can't stop me and my flatuance making app!).
Will keep you guys posted.
Posted on 06-10-2015 07:04 AM
@roiegat congrats sounds like a much better experience than I experienced. I don't suppose much more can be said without violating some sort of NDA, it is so unclear what can be said where now with public betas out there. So, I won't say much other than waiting for the next seed or some sort of reply on the 6 bugs I filed.
Posted on 06-10-2015 07:08 AM
@nessts It's a lovely game we play with what we can and can't say. The best part is when trying to work with vendors to get it working and neither of you can actually talk about anything.
I find that developer versions are always better from a fresh build, vs updating and existing one. I'm also lucky my test machine has an SSD in it - so that might be helping as well.
Posted on 06-10-2015 07:12 AM
I only stopped at reporting 6 bugs on the newly imaged SSD machine when feedback assistant stopped working. And really too busy to muck around with it at this point anyway. I just do not understand the need for 10.11 which is supposed to be focused on making 10.10 better, why not just get to 10.10.8 and see if they can replicate the stability and usefulness of the last .8 OS they had. Oh wait marketing, that's right I do understand.
Posted on 06-10-2015 09:13 AM
Come man...when you move the cursor it gets bigger so you can see where it's at! Plus some other features.....
I agree with you that they should have stuck with 10.10 for another year. Seems like we get a new major OS every two years anyway.
Posted on 06-10-2015 10:31 AM
I'm going to assume this isn't under the NDA since it is publicly available without signing in on Apple's website.
What's New in Managing Apple Devices
May require Safari to watch.
Posted on 06-10-2015 10:52 AM
"No new features" doesn't necessarily mean nothing changed. I think that's an important distinction when you do find bugs and wonder how that could be if there is nothing new.
Posted on 06-10-2015 11:01 AM
How can anyone say there are no new features in 10.11 though? Perhaps not as many new features as previous releases, but it's clear they've enhanced a lot of apps and improved on the window management experience (why did it take this long to add window snapping? i don't know, but I'm glad it's finally here.). Those are just the ones they showed. I've yet to play with it but I suspect there are a lot more things they didn't cover because they didn't have time.
Posted on 06-10-2015 11:09 AM
The split fullscreen view in 10.11 is most definitely a new feature (and a pretty nice one I might add!), along with several other items, so yeah, there are new features. Its probably just that this isn't like 10.10 that had a lot of new features, along with a bunch of under the hood stuff that was rewritten (some of which didn't pan out so well)
All in all, its more of an enhancement to 10.10, but of course Apple had to add in some new features. As I've said elsewhere, bug fixes aren't 'sexy' and don't sell software, at least not where Apple is concerned.
Posted on 06-10-2015 11:24 AM
@mm2270 Splitscreen is nice and all, but I'd much rather they figure out a good way to tab through multiple windows of the same program before they start pushing us towards fullscreening everything. Has that improved any?