Yosemite netboot works only on old computers...

Contributor II

Hi... we have just received new 21inch imac that comes with yosemite. Since those imacs couldn't boot off our old netboot mavericks, we had to create new netboot 10.10. Which we did.

The funny thing is that now all our computers received 2014 and before can netboot, except the new computers...

the netboot was done from the new imac... here's what we tried...

10.10 dmg made with autodmg and nbi made with autocaspernbi
10.10 dmg made with casper admin and nbi made with autocaspernbi
10.10.2 dmg made with autodmg and nbi made with autocaspernbi

All the DMG were made out of the installesd file

all computers are working except the new computer imac...

any ideas ?


Honored Contributor II

Not sure whats serving the netboot image but could it be some model filtering?

10.10 and autocaspernbi is my normal approach now although I haven't tried a 10.10.2.

You mentioned autodmg as well, I normally only use autocaspernbi for the creation of the netboot image. Are you doing something else?

Valued Contributor

I think the OP is saying that his OS.dmg he is using to create the NBI with AutoCasperNBI is being create with AutoDMG which is fine.

I think your right @davidacland, it sounds like model filtering. If the server is OS X Server, it could be that it doesn't have the updated Model Identifiers for the new machines and so is preventing booting.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

The modelidentifiers array is populated from the source OS.dmg when creating an NBI via AutoCasperNBI & not from the server hosting the NBI.

But is something to check.

@jmercier, what happens if your restore a 10.10.2 AutoDMG OS.dmg to one of these iMacs?

How much space is on the netboot server?

Can you clear out the NetBootClients() folder & restart the Netboot service?

Contributor II


i don't see where i would of enable the filtering for the models.... since my netboot was made out of the new imac... which is not booting properly from that netboot...

I did not try to restore ill try it tomorrow...

There is plenty of space... all my nbi's are located on SAN share...

netboot service was restarted... ALL my other machines types are working fine... so i don't think its a server problem...

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jmercier, what happens if your restore a 10.10.2 AutoDMG OS.dmg to one of these iMacs?

The model identifier is something that you can set to limit only certain Macs from booting off of an image.

But if you're hosting this on a NetSUS i don't think that applies. Are you using a NetSUS?

Contributor II

hi @bentoms

i am using the server utility (net install) service on the mac to make netboot available...

Created the yosemite netboot off a brand new imac, publish that netboot on my yosemite server, and all my computers can boot out of it.... EXCEPT the brand new imac from which i created my netboot...

reaaaaalllyyy strange.... diskless is on, NFS, and no computer filtering

Valued Contributor II

How big is the kernelcache file on your NetBoot image? 32K? although theoretically the newer hardware shouldn't care as much as older ones.

If you're using NFS, try HTTP, and vice versa.

What happens when you Verbose boot (command V) when the NetBoot image is selected in System Preferences->Startup Disk?

Contributor II

i tried nfs, html, with or without diskless

oh wow... it finally booted into my netboot, but after very very long time waiting and being stuck half way at the apple logo..

wow... is there a reason why it's so slow on those brand new imac ?

all my olds computer are working fine

Contributor II

wow... i don't know what to say.... suddenly it works and fast... did not change anything...

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jmercier, so the server is an OSX server?

Had this test Mac Netbooted before?

If so, it's possible it had a corrupt entry in the NetBootClients() folder that took a while to clear.