Zoom Extension Attribute

New Contributor

I wanted to share this extension attribute that seems to work for capturing the Zoom client version installed on a machine in absence of any patch management. Took some examples from other software version reporting examples and was able to figure out where the version number lived. This may work for other Apps installed by pulling the CFBundleVersion from the info.plist located in the Applications content folder.


#Check to see if Zoom client is installed and if true, what is the version

if [ -d /Applications/zoom.us.app ]; then
ZoomVersion=$( sudo defaults read /Applications/zoom.us.app/Contents/info.plist CFBundleVersion )
echo "<result>$ZoomVersion</result>"
echo "<result>Not installed</result>"

Legendary Contributor III

Wouldn't this be captured natively by the jamf binary since it's an .app living inside /Applications/?

Also, EAs, or any script being run in a jamf policy or recon do not need a sudo in them like what you have. Especially if it's just reading what should be an accessible plist file in an app bundle.

New Contributor

@mm2270 Yup, you're absolutely right, not sure why this is living in my scripts. Someone had asked me to share the "Zoom Extension Attribute" I posted somewhere about months ago and I felt the need to post it here. I suppose you could manipulate the script for a different purpose but I'm not sure what or why.

Contributor III

I know this is old, yet would this work as an EA for a saved search. I'm unsure how else to populate the search with software versions other than with an EA.