Posted on 03-24-2015 05:58 PM
Hi All,
Anyone have any experience updating Zoom Presence? ( So basically, it is an always running app for Video Conference purposes. Just wondering how I can quit the app and then update it. I had a look at PID on different mac minis running the app and they all have different PIDs. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Posted on 03-24-2015 06:04 PM
I haven't tried that app unfortunately but in case it's of use, here's a little s riot that will let you do a graceful quit of the app by its name:
Posted on 03-24-2015 06:06 PM
Thanks @davidacland , will give it a go.
Posted on 01-24-2017 08:44 PM
You can also update it via the Zoom Admin console. Pretty slick cause if you see an issue the same console can roll it back.
Same for your Zoom Room (Presence) controllers. We currently have our Controllers (iPads) JAMF'd and update the App as needed.