zoom version report

New Contributor

Hi, looking for help in producing a report that shows the version of zoom installed on each of our Macs ?


New Contributor III

- You could create and export an Advanced Computer Search and include "Applications" under Display > Export Only. This would take some post processing to get a clean report, but doable.

- You could create Smart Groups for each version or range of versions you're interested in.

- You could add the app as a Patch Management Software Title

- You could create a custom Extension Attribute to check the version, and then export that from a search.

The latter two would have to wait for Inventory to run.

Contributor II
Contributor II

@urungus have you look at using patch reporting to achieve this?


You can pin a patch report to your Jamf Pro dashboard so that you are always able to easily track the Zoom versioning in you fleet as machines update. As @A_H has stated, the patch report gets updated after a machine submits their inventory.