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I’ve been at my company for alittle over a year now, we have a bit of a apple environment with a fleet of iPads, some iPhones and apple TV’s. I have became the de facto jamf guy and throughout my tenure at the company so far attended jnuc 2022 (virtually) and completed the jamf 100 certification, I am now looking into the Apple Device support and the Apple deployment and management certification and then possibly jamf 200. Just wanted to get your insights to see if that is a good game plan (ps we have 2 test macs in our environment as well + a unmanaged Mac mini)


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That's great to hear that you've taken an interest in expanding your knowledge and skills in Apple device management and deployment. Pursuing the Apple Device Support and Apple Deployment and Management certification, as well as considering the JAMF 200 certification, is definitely a good game plan. These certifications will give you a deeper understanding of the tools and techniques used for managing and deploying Apple devices, which can help you better support your company's Apple environment.

In addition to the certifications, I would also recommend keeping up with the latest best practices, trends, and industry developments in the Apple device management space. You can do this by reading relevant blogs, attending webinars and virtual events, and participating in online forums and discussion groups.

expanding your knowledge and skills in Apple device management and deployment is a great way to add value to your company and increase your career prospects. Good luck on your certification journey!

New Contributor

Hi there,

Apple device management is definitely a niche that is growing and gaining popularity in the IT industry, so if you feel comfortable in it you can go that path.

Regarding certifications I cannot say much about the Apple, but Jamf 200 is a great thing to do that has a real value in your resume and also with a bit of hands-on experience you should pass it easily. During the course you will be taught a lot of useful things as well as best practices and nice tips&tricks.