Jamf School will not auto update iPad Apps.

New Contributor II

We found few apps in Jamf School Apps->Update have new version.
But it seems not automatic push update version to iPad. I need manually
click "Update all devices" in each Apps.


New Contributor II

It would be great to be able to automate this, scheduling for out of school hours.  It seems such a fundamental lack that I don't understand how it isn't available as an option.

View solution in original post


New Contributor II

It would be great to be able to automate this, scheduling for out of school hours.  It seems such a fundamental lack that I don't understand how it isn't available as an option.

And this is still not implemented... They need to expand the feature set on Jamf School. Automization is a key feature, and I do not get why nothing has happend.

Hi. Late to the party. Is this still an issue with Jamf School? We are in the progress of switching from one MDM to Jamf School and haven't been able to make apps update automatically.

New Contributor II

it still is.

New Contributor II

This is definitely ridiculous.  Just to add insult to injury Meraki does it and from what I can tell there are ways to do it in Jamf Pro but not School.


At the very least it would be nice to have a way to show all ipads and run an ios push.  Going by every version is ridiculously tedious and just seems odd.  The update section is very bad all by itself.  There is no reason at all to have every os in a different category instead of one list with the current OS as a column, which exists.  It is all very oddly done and feels like they tacked it on without much thought.

All of it needs fixed and auto OS update at a specific time makes the most sense, and is industry standard for managed services.  That may be harder to implement, but how about at least let us push an update for a group of ipads via the device inventory section?  Then we can pick all of them we want to push to and hit one button instead of doing it 30 times.

New Contributor

Any updates on getting scheduling or auto update of apps?

New Contributor

Have you ticked the checkbox under Organisation > Settings > General > "Automatically update apps when an update is available"?

You can override this behaviour on an app by app basis by clicking on the app under Apps > Inventory and adjusting the dropdown list under "Automatically update this app when an update is available". It should be set to "Use global settings" by default.

New Contributor II

When it comes to APP UPDATES in Jamf School, it's beginning to look like abandonware!  App updates just do not work automatically.