Latest update 16.4.1 (a) 20E772520a is not recognized in Devices -> Updates

New Contributor III

Before updating Jamf showed that all iPads are in 16.4.1 version and need to update. After updating the shown version in still 16.4.1 and update is required. Update status is failed.

If I look info from specific device I see that version has changed from iOS 16.4.1 20E252 to iOS 16.4.1 20E772520a but Devices -> Updates shows that all iPads require an update.


Esteemed Contributor

From what I am seeing this entire Rapid Security Response business is an absolute mess that Apple was no where near ready to release to production. In other words, typical Apple testing in production. I will actually be disabling RSR's in my production environment next week.

New Contributor III

Hey AJ,

Has this been added to Jamf School already?
I am combing through the Organization Settings and I am not seeing it...

I am probably completely missing it but wanted to make sure it wasn't a setting still in development! Haha

Hi igrathen,

You can use Profiles > Restrictions to allow/not allow Rapid Security Response to install. In your Profile for pushing restrictions to the devices go to iOS Payload > Restrictions > Device functionality. The "Allow Rapid Security Response installation" option is in the left column at the bottom.

You can also turn on/off the ability of the users to uninstall the RSR. That option is all the way to the bottom of the Restrictions under the User modifications section. "Allow Rapid Security Response removal".

Greg Bobbett

New Contributor III

Found it! Thank you, Greg!

What are the benefits/reasoning to either leave this on or turn it off?
From our testing, applying the update acts as a device restart (has very little downtime).
Also, wouldn't these updates get applied at the next "main" iOS update?

You pose a great question. I'm not sure what overall benefit the RSR has in a school setting. We have the students relatively locked down as it is and pretty well filtered as to what they can access. 

I manage a small district, so the decision is mine with some input from the security specialists. We have it on just as an option. I'm not worrying about forcing the RSR updates. I'll likely wait until the next incremental update to force them. I also assume (dangerous I know) that the security updates will be included in the next incremental update.

Greg Bobbett

New Contributor III

We are in a similar situation!
We decided to go ahead and disable these updates for now.

Further looking into the Update on an actual iPad, Apple states that the RSR updates would be applied within the next incremental update!

Esteemed Contributor

From my perspective the benefits to disabling it are to allow Apple to figure themselves out. This seems to be very much a test in production thing from Apple. 


JAMF "was" ready for RSR's, but apple seems to have changed something and broke JAMFs ability to report on them which is another reason I am holding back. I have extension attributes to read them for the moment, but this level of "development" is not good for a production environment.