New User Interface and Faster Loading for the Devices Overview in Jamf School

New Contributor II
New Contributor II
New User Interface and Faster Loading for the Devices Overview in Jamf School
We are please to bring to Jamf School a new improved user interface to view devices and deliver bulk action commands. This new interface can be turned on in the Jamf School Management System by navigating to;
Settings > Appearance and then ticking checkbox next to New User Interface. This will then change the “Overview” section under "Devices" to “Inventory”
You can change back to the original interface at any time by unchecking the box. 
This change doesn’t just offer a new look but improved speed when loading devices. For schools with large deployments, this means you can manage your Apple devices in an even faster and improved manner with quicker  loading and bulk commands.
This will be the default interface from 1st August 2022 but we encourage our Jamf School customers to turn on this new view ahead of the roll out date. We welcome your feedback as you test this new interface and functionality in this thread. Please comment below to give us your feedback.
Many thanks 
Aaron Webb

New Contributor

Looks good!

There appears to be an issue when attempting to export devices. No matter how many devices I select, it will export a list of all devices.


Is it possible to get the "records per page" dropdown menu back? Actually its missing in the new table view.

@r_lowe the export behaves in the new ui exactly like in the old. But the filtering of the export is a feature I often missed.

Contributor III

Checking out the new appearance led to the discovery of the Recovery Lock addition, which has made me quite happy, but also led me to notice a couple of problems (unrelated).

1) When choosing Select All, it only selects everything on the current page. Previously, using Select All selected everything on all pages, and made bulk commands very easy.

2) The filters are great. Love the options. But I think it would be improve the experience if there was a reset all filters button. Otherwise, you have to fish around for whatever filter(s) you had enabled from before to reset it.

There may be solutions to these issues, but I couldn't find anything intuitive. Overall, works very well, except for doing bulk commands (ironically).

P.S. Encountered a bug when clicking through a couple of dropdowns in the filter. The page moved up, making the commands/filters inaccessible, while the bottom portion became blank space.

Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 8.31.44 AM.png

New Contributor II

The new interface is not usable for gathering information.

Except for it being slow as ... (That is one of the main reasons we switched from JAMF Prof to Zuludesk)

Viewing the filter set on the right side is far from intuitive.

Note beging able to see them all at once and no ability to reset all the filters set...

Any changes to the columns and their width do not survive a logout.

Apart from that it is not at all usable on an iPhone sind it does not scroll sideways through the columns.

And again, not to mention the "I will make some coffee" when set to displaying 500 devices.

It has some ideas but this needs to get back to the drawing board.

Just my 2 cts and the urge to get this of of my (my teams) chest.

New Contributor

The new interface is cumbersome and unwieldy to use, especially the filters on the inventory tab. Certain bulk options that used to work flawlessly, like Refresh, no longer work.

New Contributor

The Inventory option will not show my devices, and only spins no matter how long I wait. I have to switch back to the old interface and use Devices to see them. This has been reproducible under multiple browsers, using Private Browsing sessions, and across multiple devices.


Contra New Interface 👎

- the old filter overview on the top was better. Much clearer!

- the filter setting not reseted automatically after switch to the another category

- It being very slow, if you choose more than 250 Device

- To active "Lost Mode" was better in the old interface. You get the Info in the Name, was highlighted and was helpful  


Pro New Interface 👍

- Tablett Settings (to choose the own column)

- that possible functions are grayed out (not visible in the old Interface until you select a device. Leads to confusion)



Contra New Interface 👎

- the old filter overview on the top was better. Much clearer!

- the filter setting not reseted automatically after switch to the another category

- It being very slow, if you choose more than 250 Device

- To active "Lost Mode" was better in the old interface. You get the Info in the Name, was highlighted and was helpful  


Pro New Interface 👍

- Tablett Settings (to choose the own column)

- that possible functions are grayed out (not visible in the old Interface until you select a device. Leads to confusion)


Please bring back the old interface, the new interface sucks.