Removing JAMF trust

New Contributor

I was wondering if there was a way to remove JAMF trust of my iPad during holidays since the parents had to buy the iPads during the holidays I would like to remove JAMF trust off my iPad is there a way to do that


Honored Contributor II

My friend, you need to talk to your schools IT department.

  • If the iPad was provided by the School, I see no reason for them to remove Jamf Trust or the MDM nor would you have any ability to remove anything installed by the MDM.
  • If the iPad is personally provided (as it seems in your case), you should be able to remove the MDM profile and uninstall anything the MDM installed. Though, reinstalling iPadOS is the only way to be sure everything the school installed is gone.

Considering you mention this iPad is personally provided, I myself would not allow the school to install something like Jamf Trust. If they want to manage the devices like that, they need to be issuing the devices.


Sounds like the parents might have been issued an agreement where the parents provide the iPad, but the school secures it with Jamf Trust? Anyway, when Jamf Trust is issued, the MDM-profile is likely to be non-removable. Weirdon a user-provided, not school owned device, but not unheard of.

I would talk to your parents and possibly school to see if they have any plans to reduce the policies for Jamf Trust, or let the parents manage the device during the holidays. If not, it might work as intended, securing the device as long as you're a student at the school.