I've just added a new app to my Apple School Manager and have assigned 200 licenses. When I push this app out to an iPad it gets stuck on Waiting for Licenses despite there being more than enough available.
Checking the status of the app says "Waiting for the volume purchasing licenses to be assigned. Install the app again." Doing this just results in it staying on Waiting for licenses again.
This is the result of quereying the status of the app:
Apple School Manager has assigned the license but still Jamf doesn't complete the install.
Any ideas how I fix this?
[edit] I've just tried pushing a different app to this particular iPad and have the same issue. The iPad is online and checked in with Jamf and working for everything else. Just can't push apps to it.
Try renewing your VPP certificate, that will usually kick things in the butt to get them working again.
Already tried that. No dice.
Yuck, you can enable verbose logging in Jamf Settings > logs and see what is going on but I recommend reaching out to Jamf at this point.
Providing you assigned the AppStore licenses to Jamf in ASM, and assigned the apps to the Mac App policy then you have done really all you can do. If the issue is with a single device, reinstalling the OS would be a good idea.
I think you might be thinking of Jamf Pro in regards to logs. Jamf School doesn't have the same access to logging unfortunately.
I was experiencing this yesterday but just with a couple apps (TD Snap Legacy and TD Snap Enterprise). Not sure why it was just with those 2 but not other apps. On one of them I left it for 10-20 mins and it finally installed. The other I got too impatient and just wiped the iPad and re-provisioned. Normally I have no issues so it was a bit of an oddity yesterday. Hoping it doesn't continue.
The app is assigned as 'On Demand', did you go to the device and tell it to download through Jamf Student/Teacher? I've had some issues before with apps that are set to 'On Demand', even if I tell them to install. If it's an app that I want on the devices I always will set it to 'Automatic'.
Another quick tip that I've used is to run the 'Retry app installations that are stuck on installing' and the 'Retry Failed app installations'. Those options are on the app's info page. Its the tiny gear right above 'Save' button.
There's a couple other 'Retry' options on the Apps > Inventory page too. One is the same as above.
We, too, have had this exact issue with devices yesterday and today. Sometimes, it takes a few hours before the device will receive the app install. Automatic install vs On Demand, syncing the app list with ASM again, manual device check-ins, we've tried it all. We just opened a ticket and are waiting for support's suggestions.
The fact that separate systems are seeing the same behavior, points to a server-side issue.
Hello Everyone.
It looks like apple is having VPP issues. I will post the apple status page. This could be causing apps not not install on Jamf school. I have this same issue right now with Jamf School.
Thanks for the heads up. Good call checking Apple system status. I forgot to check that myself.